Unit 2 Last weekend B Read and write(教案)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册.docx

Unit 2 Last weekend B Read and write(教案)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册.docx

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课题: Unit 2 Last weekend B Read and write 教学内容: B Read and write 课后反思 教材分析: 本课时内容是新版pep英语六年级下册Unit 2 Last weekend第五课时Read and write的内容。从本学期本单元开始,我们的同学开始学习动词的过去式,因而,过去式是本单元的重点内容,也是难点。这个单元前面四个课十个动词过去式(包括规则的动词与不规则的动词过去式)。 这堂课在设计上环环相扣,让课文知识系统地呈现出来。 在教学中,能够很快地抓住学生的眼球,让他们的思维跟着我来走。 在教学效果上,我发现学生都能够领悟动词的过去式与现在时,达到了预期的目的。 教学目标 学生能够通过读前活动回忆相关背景知识及话题词汇;能够在文段中寻找关键信息;能够根据阅读所获取的信息完成填充邮件的活动。 教学重点: 动词过去式 教学难点: 找出动词过去式并将其变回原形 教学过程: Pre-reading: 1:Free talk Hello, everyone! Today we’ll go on to learn something happened before. At meanwhile , I ‘ll divide you into 4 groups( Hello, Group 1. Hi! Group 2. Good morning , Group 3. Good morning , Group 4) . Let’s have a competition . Try to be the winner , OK? 2:Talk about what I did last weekend: Last weekend I went to Zhenzhuhu Park . I saw lots of flowers there. And I took pictures there. I flew kites there, too. We were very happy. (New Word:were ) 3:Review our old friend on English book. What did they do last weekend? Chen Jie、 Amy 、John、 Zhang Peng and Mike Washed the clothes , went fishing , saw a film... 4:Ask Students what they did last weekend. “What did you do last weekend?” “ I...” While-reading: Now let’s have a look at Wu Binbin’s weekend experience. He went on a trip to the countryside with his family. They went there by bike. In the evening , Wu Binbin and his family stayed at the “Holiday hotel”. (new word :hotel) Wu Yifan’s stay at the hotel: 1:Listen and answer: What was the room like? (New phrase: fixed the broken chair) How was his weekend? Wu Binbin and his family were not satisfied with his stay at the hotel. So he wrote a comment here. (New word :comment) 2: Read and answer: (1) In the hotel, his family wanted to do lots of things. Read the text quickly and answer the following questions: What did Mum want to do? What did Dad want to do? What did Wu Binbin want to do? (read a book, eat some hamburgers, watch TV) (2)What happened? They wanted to do lots of things. But something unhappy happene



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