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3. — You _____ be happy with the strong public support you received. — Yes, you’re right. I’m really excited.  【2012湖北武汉】   A. may B. can C. must D. need 4. That man _____ be my English teacher. He has gone to Canada. 【2011湖南株洲】 A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t C C 近几年地震频频发生,导致无数人失去家园。请阐述一下如何对这一自然灾害进行防范。 Homework Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. Module12 Unit 2 Review Words and expressions earthquake warn inside under window n. 地震 v. 警告,告诫 n. 内部,里面 adj. 里面的,内部的 adv. 在里面,向室内 prep. 在……里面 prep. 在……正下方,在……下面 n. 窗户 Words and expressions keep clear calm brave helpful power keep clear of… v. 保持,留住 adj. 不和……接触的;不挨……太近的 v. 清除,清理,移走 adj. 镇静的,沉着的 adj. 勇敢的,无畏的 adj. 有用的,提供帮助的 n. 电,电力 不和……接触 Words and expressions 1. To get information from the reading material about what to do in an earthquake 2. To learn some key words and useful expressions Objectives: Words: earthquake, warn, inside, under, window, keep, clear, calm, brave, helpful, power Phrases: keep clear of… be helpful Patterns: Keep calm. move/stay/run away from… In short… 2022/5/3 * What’s happening? Look at the pictures and answer the questions. An earthquake. Do you experience an earthquake ever? What do you think of the earthquake? What should we do if an earthquake happens? 2022/5/3 * 1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions. 1 Where are the people? 2 What are they doing? Why? 2022/5/3 * Hide under a table Inside the room Where is the boy? What is he doing? 2022/5/3 * Outside the building Move away from building Where are they ? What are they doing? 2022/5/3 * In the bus Stay in the bus Where are they? What are they doing? 2022/5/3 * In the building Leave the building but don’t use the lift. Where are they? What are they doing? 2022/5/3 * Fast-reading: 1、How many pieces of advice are mentioned(提及) in the passage if we are inside? 2、How many pieces of advice are mentioned(提及) in the passage if we are o


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