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基于大数据的个人信息隐私权保护探析 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 2 文1:基于大数据的个人信息隐私权保护探析 2 一、研究背景和意义。 4 (一)研究背景 。 4 (二)研究意义 。 5 1.理论意义 。 5 2.实践意义 。 6 二、国内外文献综述。 6 (一) 国内文献综述 。 6 (二)国外文献综述 。 7 三、研究方法 8 四、论文创新点及不足 8 第一章 大数据时代保护个人信息的必要性 9 一、 大数据时代个人信息的基本理论 9 二、大数据时代个人信息侵权行为分析 9 三、大数据时代保护个人信息的意义 9 第二章 我国个人信息保护现状及问题 9 一、我国个人信息保护的现状 9 二、 我国个人信息保护现状中存在的问题 10 第三章 域外个人信息保护制度及启示 10 一、 域外个人信息保护制度 10 二、 域外个人信息保护制度对我国的启示 10 第四章 我国保护个人信息的民事立法建议和措施 10 一、 完善现有民事法律规定 10 文2:基于大数据的计算机网络安全 11 1 计算机网络安全问题 12 3 结语 14 参考文摘引言: 14 原创性声明(模板) 15 文章致谢(模板) 15 正文 基于大数据的个人信息隐私权保护探析 文1:基于大数据的个人信息隐私权保护探析 Abstract In the era of big data, due to the use of advanced information processing technology, peonal information can be scientifically analyzed and then widely analyzing big data, the government can make decisio that are more in line with public expectatio. Enterprises can realize great business value by analyzing big data,knowing use preferences, making the best business strategy. At the same time, the phenomenon of using peonal information to seek improper interests is increasinglyrampant. Both foreign countries and China have realized the importance of protecting peonal information. At present, Chinas provisio on peonal informationprotection are scattered in other laws, departmental regulatio and judicial interpretatio. The civil law protection of peonal information in China is obviouslylagging behind in legislation and lacks systematicness. There is no unified and complete law to protect peonal information compreheively. The general principlesof civil law prescribes peonal information, but it is more general and does not define the nature and scope of peonal information. It has been widely discussed in academic circles and has not been well used in judicial practice. At present, there is no unified point of view on whether peonal information is legal interest or right. The relatiohip between peonal information and priv


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