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选美比赛是指以容貌外表的美丑为主要评定标准的竞赛。选美比赛的核心是将女性商品化,以女性的身体为载体刺激消费,是对女性的严重不尊重,降低了女性的社会地位。从选美比赛的起源来看,中国的后宫选举制度就已经可以被称作为选美了。而参赛的获胜选手一般会被作为王氏的优质基因,或者是以王氏的名义将她送至外国成为外交的工具。从起源来看,选美已经将女性作为了一个为王氏基因和外交事业服务的商品。不仅在中国,西方同样有选美比赛。在美国中产的黄金年代,因为庞大的中产阶级的兴起,商家想将巨大的消费潜力转变为行动,首届美利坚小姐比赛被推出。此举的初衷是想吸引游客来此度假进行消费。从中国到西方,我们可以发现,从一开始选美比赛就将女性作为了一个大众的消费品。选美比赛遵循着消费品的售卖逻辑,而参赛选手正是这场交易的商品。选美比赛不同于其他用劳动换取金钱的行为,它和代孕、妓女、妇女贩运一样本质上都是以女性的身体外貌刺激消费。选美比赛也会使得社会对女性的价值变得畸形,即将外貌放在第一位而不在意其能力等,这样会降低女性社会地位,加剧性别歧视。 Beauty pageants refer to competitions that take the appearance of beauty and ugliness as the main evaluation standard. The core of beauty pageants is to commercialize women and use womens bodies as a carrier to stimulate consumption, which is a serious disrespect to women and reduces womens social status. From the origin of beauty pageants, Chinas harem election system can already be called beauty pageants. The winner of the competition is generally regarded as a high-quality gene of the royal family, or she is sent to a foreign country in the name of the Wang family as a diplomatic tool. From its origins, beauty pageants have used women as a commodity in the service of Wangs genes and diplomatic career. Not only in China, but also in the West there are beauty pageants. In the golden age of the American middle class, because of the rise of the huge middle class, businesses want to turn the huge consumption potential into action, and the first Miss America contest was launched. The original intention of this move is to attract tourists to spend their vacations here. From China to the West, we can find that from the very beginning, beauty pageants have made women a mass consumer product. Beauty pageants follow the logic of selling consumer goods, and the contestants are the commodities of this transaction. Unlike other activities that trade labor for money, beauty pageants, like surrogacy, prostitutes, and womens trafficking, are essentially based on womens physical appearance to stimulate consumption. Beauty contests



