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兴业银行昆明分行企业金融业务营销策略研究 摘 要 近十年来,银行业一直为中国经济再创新高提供了强有力的金融资源支持。但是随着改革的深化和市场经济的重大变化,传统的以借贷金融为主营业务的方式已无法适应如今的金融环境。新一代的商业银行必须在各方面都加强营销能力,在这其中,企业金融业务作为商业银行的主营业务,它的发展的好坏直接影响着整个银行的运营表现。当前国内金融市场的开发程度正不断加深,而各家银行也越来越认识到扩展业务的重要性,如今中资、外资银行都正致力在做好传统金融服务的基础上,提供争取更多的企业用户。商业银行的这一目标的实现需要在市场定位中着重注意,核心是差异化营销策略。 本文的主要研究对象是兴业银行昆明分行,从大的政策环境、具体市场环境和重点客户需求等方面入手,应用多种理论:4Ps理论、STP、pest等方法,提出了兴业银行昆明分行企业金融业务目前存在的主要问题和业务发展遇到的难题,并从产品结构完善、定价策略调整、产品促销推动、渠道创新等角度,向兴业银行昆明分行企业金融业务的营销工作提出策略建议。希望能对兴业银行昆明分行的企业金融业务营销有效开展和经营管理提升起到促进作用。 关键词:兴业银行,企业金融业务,策略研究 Abstract In the past ten years, the banking industry has been to a new high Chinese economy provides a strong financial support.But along with the great changes of the deepening of reform and market economy, the traditional lending to financial business mode has been unable to adapt to todays financial environment. A new generation of commercial banks must strengthen the marketing ability in all aspects, in this one, the enterprise financial business as the main business of the commercial banks, its development will have a direct impact on the operating performance of the banks. The degree of development of the domestic financial market is deepening, the importance and the banks are increasingly aware of the business expansion, now the Chinese, foreign banks are based on the traditional financial services, provide more business users. To achieve this goal, for commercial banks, should make clear the market positioning, and actively carry out differentiated marketing strategy is the priority among priorities. In this paper, the Industrial Bank Kunming branch of the research object, from the policy environment, market environment and customer demand, the application of 4P theory, SWOT matrix, STP ,pest and other methods, the Kunming branch of the industrial bank corporate finance business problems and business development strategies and suggestions from the point of view of confusion, differentiated marketing, improve the product structure adjustment of


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