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校本教材初中英语口语交际 目录 具体内容 页码 一.GRETTINGS 打招呼 3 二.WEATHER 谈天气 5 三. ASKING FOR TIME AND DATE 7 询问时间与日期 四. MAKING A PHONE CALL 打 9 五. ASKING AND DIRECTION THE WAY 11 问路与指路 六.SEEING THE DOCTOR看病求医 13 七.IN A RESTAURANT 在餐厅 15 八 GO SHOPPING 去购物 17 九PARTING道别 19 十 INTRODUCTIONS 介绍 22 H-- CONGRATULATIONS 祝贺用语 24 十二 BEING LATE 迟到 25 十三FAMILY 家庭 28 十四.HEALTH 健康 30 十五.HOBBY 爱好 32 五.ASKING AND DIRECTION THE WAY 问路与指路 (1) Excuse me! Could you tell me where is the train station9please? 打搅一下!请问火车站在哪里? (2) How to get to the bus stop?怎样能 到到汽车站? (1) Ifs over there.就在那边。 Ifs just around the corner.就在街角附近。 Its opposite/next to /near/in front of /behind the school. 在学校的对面/旁边/附近/前面/后面。 Go straight ahead about 300m.超前一直走约 300 米。 Go straight until you can see the traffic lights, and then turn left .You can see it on your left.直走直到你看见红绿灯,然后左转。 你就能看见它在你左手边。 Take the NO.7 bus to the park, after you get off walk back about 100m. 乘7路公交到公园,下车后往回走约100米。 C. A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station? B: Sure. Its quite far from here. Dont worry, though. Its not difficult to get there. A: I think Im going in the wrong direction, arent? B: Yes. First, you need to turn around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road? Yes, I do. They are about two miles away, right? Thats right. Drive back to the traffic rights and turn right. Follow the road for about a mile, until you see the plaza hotel. Its a really big hotel. You cant miss it Turn left at the hotel. A: So, right at the traffic lights two miles up the road, then left at the plaza hotel, a mile along that road. Got it. Then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you. OK. Got it. Thanks for you help. No problem. 六.SEEING THE DOCTOR 看病求医1. A (1) what your trouble?你怎么 了 ? Whats the matter with you? Whats wrong with you? How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎么样? B: Pve got a fever /headache/toothache/ cold /sore throat /cough.我发烧了 /头痛/牙痛/感了/喉咙痛/咳嗽。 A: Open your mouth and say “Ah”. 张开嘴说“啊二B: What


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