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Money Can Do Everything有钱能使鬼推磨 Money Can Do EverythingThere was once a prince as rich as cream, who took it into his head to put up a palace right across the street from the kings, but a palace far more splendid than the kings Once it was finished, he put on its front in bold lettering: MONEY CAN DO EVERYTHING When the king came out and saw that, he sent immediately for the prince, who was new in town and hadn* t yet visited the court“Congratulations, “ the king said Your palace is a true wonder My house looks like a hut compared with it Congratulations! But was it your idea to put up the words: Money can do everything?* The prince realized that maybe he had gone too far“Yes it was, “ he answered, “but if Your Majesty doesn,t like it, I can easily have the letters stripped off” “Oh, no, I wouldn* t think of having you do that I merely wanted to hear from your own lips what you meant by such a statement For instance, do you think that, with your money, you could have me assassinated?”The prince realized he had got himself into a tight spot “Oh, Majesty, forgive me I 11 have the words removed at once And if you dont like the palace, just say so, and Ill have it torn down too”“No, no, leave it the way it is But since you claim a person with money can do anything, prove it to me V 11 give you three days to try to talk to my daughter If you manage to speak to her, wel1 and good; you will marry her If not, Ill have you beheaded Is that clear?* The prince was too distressed to eat, drink, or sleep Day and night, all he thought of was how he might save his neck By the second day he was certain of failure and decided to make his will His plight was hopeless, for the king* s daughter had been closed up in a castle surrounded by one hundred guards Pale and 1 imp as a rag, the prince lay on his bed waiting to die, when in walked his old nurse, a decrepit old soul now who had nursed him as a baby and who still worked for him Finding him so haggard, the old woman asked what was w


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