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七下Unit5词汇语法基础过关题一.翻译以下词组。(必须掌握,熟记于心) 1 .一种2.有点.来自 4.什么动物 .有点懒 6.对某人友好.忘记去做某事 8.两条腿走路 .保持安静 10.…的标志,象征11 .处于危险之中 12.在晚上 .拯救大象 14.迷路.画的好 16.失去家园 .好运 18.砍倒二.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(温馨提示:找到题眼,注意是否变形) The girl is a little s She always hides (躲藏)behind her mother. Tom is a 1 boy. He never does any housework at home. There are o five hundred students in our school. 4.Shenzhen is such a beautiful p that many of people would like to live there. . Cancer (癌症)k thousands of people every year. .Thailand is a great p to have fun. . Guangdong is in the s of China. .He usually(睡觉)at ten in the evening. .Jenny is a s girl. Shes afraid to speak to her classmates and teachers. .Tom is very(聪明).He is good at math. .What about going(购物)this afternoon? .My sister gets many(礼物)On her birthday every year. .Pm very thirsty(口渴的).Please give me some w. .Do you know that the elephant is a s of good luck? .Tim is a 1 boy. He doesn*t often do his homework. .We should tell people not to buy things m of ivory. .My brother has two balls. One is big and the other is s. .Ms. Rice is f to her students so they like her. .Many people in China think eight is a 1 number. .We know the color of green is a(象征)of life. .Elephants never(忘t己).Its amazing. .Where will people live in the(将来)? .We must s the endangered(濒危的)animals like pandas. .His grandpa is o ninety years old, but he is still very healthy. .Cindy is a s girl. Shes good at all her subjects. .— Does Tom like(动物)? 一 Yes. He likes dogs and horses. 三.用所给词的适当形式填空(温馨提示:找到题眼,随手划出,注意归纳))A scientist gets(lose) in the desert. People in China are(friend).! make lots of friends in China. The boy always forgets(bring) his English book. There are two (zoo) in our city. We all know that many animals are in great(dangerous). 6.1 am quite thirsty. I can drink two glasses of(water) in one go. 7.One of my( friend) come from Austria1. 8.1 want(see) the lions in the zoo. . The koalas are kind of(interest). . There are many(animal) in the new zoo. . His cousin is very(friend)


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