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海量免费资料尽在此 1. 介绍 安达信公司已经开始了对山东电力集团(SEPCO)的商业流程的重组和企业资源的整合。同时 有美国欧米加国际集团公司协同完成整个项目。 作为整个计划的一部分,安达信将对由山东电力集团准备好的计划提供输入和建议。这个计 划将基于我们的全球最好的信息知识库。而这个知识库被很多其他的公司采纳应用在 IT 领 域。 这篇文档将分为以下的部分:  我们对现行的 IT 系统和山东电力集团基础结构的理解  IT 管理最好的案例  工业发展趋势以及其对 IT 影响  我们对山东电力集团的考察和建议 2. Our Understanding of the Current IT Systems & Infrastructure of SEPCO Based on the review of the IT plan, the following is a high-level summary of our understanding of the IT directions. Existing Infrastructure Insert various diagrams as Appendices Identify upgrades that are underway (e.g. bandwidth and security) Need to see if we were able to obtain other power companies examples to fit in subsequent section) Current Application Architecture Currently, each subsidiary of SEPCO has a number of applications that support its current business operations and back-office administration work. Most systems are custom made based on individual subsidiary’s requirements and operations and are provided and supported by various vendors 3. Future IT Systems Future IT infrastructure Future IT Application Structure ERP Operations ERP Operations (PeopleSoft) (PeopleSoft) Data- (Various Bespoke Systems) Data- (Various Bespoke Systems) Finance warehousing Finance warehousing • Grid and Power Management • Grid and Power Management HR-Payroll


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