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南城警事 第四季 第10集 不许动!-我去侧面包抄 Freeze! -Ill flank him! 当警hearts;察hearts;数年后 After a couple of years on the job, 每个警员都要决定 every cop has to make a decision 自己要成为什么样的警hearts;察hearts; about what kind of cop theyre gonna be. 警员Ben Sherman也到了抉择的时候 The time has come for officer Ben Sherman to decide. 10小时前 早上好 警官 请跟我来 Morning, Detective. Come on back. 感谢您腾出时间给我 医生 Thanks for fitting me in, Doctor. 我打算告诉局里我怀孕了 Ive decided to let the department know today that Im pregnant. 我看了手册 按照政策... And I was reading the manual, and according to policy - 你要什么证明 -什么 Which letter do you want? -Excuse me? 你是想要孕期休假的证明呢 Do you want the letter assigning you home for the duration of your pregnancy, 还是要减免工作量的 the one putting you on light duty, 还是要我开证明 说你肚子大起来之前可以继续工作? or the one where I say you can stay on the job until you pop? 那不是...您要决定的吗 Isnt that... your decision? 应该是 但是要是你不喜欢我的意见 It should be, but if you dont like my opinion, 你就去各个医生那里逛 去要你想要的证明呗 youll just go doctor shopping until you get the letter you want. 但是你说的危险因素... Yeah, but you said my risk factors... 要我再列一遍吗 我们讨论过了 Do I need to tick them off again? Weve discussed this before. 不是 只是... No, its just - 我很高兴今早挤出了时间给你 Look, I was happy to fit you in this morning at the last minute, 但我还有病人等着 but I have patients waiting. 你的生活 你的孩子 Its your life, your baby. 你想好要什么证明 When you decide what letter you want, 就打给我办公室 我给你传真过去 just call my office, and Ill fax it to you. 好吧 谢谢你 -嗯嗯 Okay. Thank you. -Mm-hmm. 昨天晚上在东大街七号hearts;的车hearts;库hearts; Last night in the garage off East 7th, this rehabilitated citizen 一个假释犯让他的斗牛犬攻击假释官 turned his pit bull on his parole officer 然后用拆轮胎棒击打其头部 before braining the P.O. with a tire iron. 撒网搜捕没抓住 A long-grid search came up empty, 现在阿尔瓦拉多处于警戒 so theres a TAC alert at Alvarado. 好了 听着 这个混hearts;蛋hearts;现在不知道在哪 All right, listen, this asshole could be anywhere, okay? 所以 保持警惕 So keep your eyes peeled. 好了 都出去吧 安全第一 All right, thats it. Roll out. Be safe. 等等等等 Oh, wait, wait, hold on. Hold on. 今天是Tang警官最后一天巡


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