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南城警事 第四季 第7集 各单位注意 A-25报告称在2号hearts;街万泰大厦 All units, A-25 reports they have a suspect 发现并拘留符合描述的嫌犯 fitting the description in custody at 2nd Street and Manhattan Place. 洛城警官每次换班都清楚 L.A.P.D. officers start every shift 他们做选择的时机稍纵即逝 knowing they might only have a fraction of a second to make a difficult choice. 其后果将影响他们的一生 The ramifications will last their whole lives. 8小时前 很高兴我知道了 Good to know. 医生说绷带几时能取下?-一两天 Doctor say when the bandage is gonna come off? -A couple days. 他们查过狂犬病吗?谁知道呢 They check you for rabies? Never know. 如果我开始口吐白沫 你可以叫救护车 Well, if I start frothing at the mouth, you can just call an ambulance. 嗯 我要打给动物管制中心 Yeah. I was gonna call animal control. 可惜你颈部不便活动 我还准备让你开车的 Its too bad your neck mobility is compromised. I was gonna let you drive today. 噢 是吗?-是的 Oh, is that right? -Yeah. 错失幸运日啊 Missed my lucky day. Jessica Tang?-唔? Jessica Tang? -Yeah? 真抱歉 我爸是警hearts;察hearts; 25年 纽约警局的 Im really sorry. My dads a cop -25 years, N.Y.P.D. 你已收到传票了 再次致歉 Youve been served. Sorry again. 早上好! Good morning! 现在就想睡了 Sherman? Need a nap already, Sherman? 我们都是半个晚上没睡 John We were both up half the night, John. 唯一的差距是 我有艳遇 不像某人上网找 Only difference is, I was with a girl, as opposed to looking at one online. 嘿 你不会又去那家乡村女郎酒吧了吧? Hey, you didnt go to that country-girl bar again, did you? 那窝点就是性病传播中心 -我是在健身房hearts;遇见她的 That dump is STD Central. -I met her at the gym. 女子健身房hearts;吧 At Curves. 她是瑜伽教练 Shes a yoga instructor. 这么跟你说吧 她的下犬式真是绝了 Let me tell you, her downward dog is amazing. 哎呦喂 Hello. 最好的一点是 她在公主邮轮工作 The best part is, she works for Princess Cruises, 3周之内她都不会回来 so, uh, shes not gonna be back for the next three weeks. 爽过就跑 Binge and purge. 你是我的精神领袖 Sherman -祝福你 You are my guru, Sherman. -Ai-yee. 开工了 大家伙 -他吃错药了? Lets roll, man. -Whats up with him? 如果我搭档有艳福 我也不愿意听他吹嘘 If my partner was getting laid like that, I wouldnt want to hear about it, either. 说得对 Youre right. 冠军早餐 Breakfast of champions. 林肯高地来电 Got a call. Lincoln Heights. 出勤前来我办公室一趟 一会就好 Uh, step


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