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《数值分析》教学大纲 一、课程基本 信息 课程名称 数值分析 Numerical Analysis 课程编码 SCC261721020 开课院部 理学院 课程团队 计算方法 学分 2.0 课内学时 36 讲授 24 实脸 0 上机 12 实践 0 课外学时 32 适用专业 自动4 授课语言 中文 先修课程 程序设计(C/C++)、线性代数、高等数学(2-1),高等数学(2-2) 课程简介 (限选) 《数值分析》是高等学校理工科各专业的重要基理课,是一门与计算机密切结合的实用性较强的课程。以各类数学问题的数值解法作 为研究对象,主要内容包括误差分析、非线性方程的数值解法、线性方程组的直接解法和迭代解法、代数插值和曲线拟合和数值积分等, 本课程为解决科学与工程中遇到的各类数学问题提供基本的数值算法。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握数值分析中的基本知识、基本概念 和计算技能;使学生掌握常用的数值计算方法,提高学生公式推导、误差分析、程序实现等数值计算能力;使学生具有结合理论知识解决 实际数值问题的能力。培养学生应用数学和计算机进行科学研究与工程计算的兴趣和能力,为以后的课程学习和培养成为适应现代社会发 展的具有高素质的工程技术人才提供必要的数学基础” Numerical Analysis is a fundamental course for university students who major in science or engineering. This course is practical and closely related to computer application. Il ma inly concerns and provides basic numerical methods for many mathematical models in scientific and engineering problems, including Error Analysis, Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Equations, Direct Methods and Iterative Methods for Linear Equations, Algebra Interpolation and Curve Fitting, Numerical Integration and Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations and etc. There are three main goals for learning this course. The first is to help them to understand the basic knowledge and concepts of numerical methods and gain basic computing abilities. Secondly, students are asked to study those frequently-used numerical methods. Also students should sharp their abilities in regard of foimula deducing, error analysis and programming during the study. The last one is that they are expected to enhance their problem-solving ability after attending this course. Overall, this course aims at developing the interests and abilities of students to solve scientific research and engineering problems by using mathematics and computer. Also this course can provide students with mathematical basis that may be necessary to become high1y qualified engineers. 负责人大纲执笔人 审核人 二 课程目标 序号 代号 课程目标 OBE 毕业要习 R指标点 任务 自选 1 Ml 目标1 : 了解并认识科学与工程计算中的基本概念 是 1. 1 1. 1 2 M2 目标2 :具有结合理论知识解决实际数值问题的能力 是 3


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