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Unit 9 Where is my toy Name:_________Scores:______ 一 看一看,写一写 1 ______ (公共汽车) 2 ______ ( 吉普车 ) 3 ______ (轮船) 4 ______ ( 飞机 ) 5_______ ( 小船 ) 6 _______ ( 摩托车) 7 ______ ( 自行车) 8 _______ (火车) 9 _______ (小汽车 ) 10_______ (小汽车)11_________ (玩具)12_______ (地毯) 二根据汉语填写相应的人称代词 1. Where is _______ ( 她的 ) toy car 2 .Have ______ ( 你 ) got a toy train 3 .A spider is under _______( 我的 ) desk. 4 .Let ______ ( 我们 ) go and have a look. 5 ._______ (他)has got three toy planes. ( 他的 ) bag is in the box. 7 .Do ________ (他们)like toys 8 .How much ice cream do _______ (你)want 9 .How many toy monkeys has _____ (她)got (他们的)books are in the desk. 三.填写正确方位介词 1. A boy is _____ (里面)the classromm. ’s ______ (下面)your bed. dog is ________ (上面)the chair. ’m __________ (在……之间)my mother and my father. shoes are _______ (旁边)the toy ship. is _________ (后面)the door. teacher is ____________________ (在……前面)blackboard. 四.选择题 ( ) 1. Where is the snake A. It’s in the tree. B. They are in the rree. C. It ’s the tree. ( ) 2. _______ is my pencil-case It ’s on the chair. A. What B. Where C. Whic ( ) 3. Have you got a new bag A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I haven’t. C. Yes, I have. ( ) 4. The girl ______ behind the sheep. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 5. Where _______ the birds A. am B. is C. are ( ) 6. Which needs wheels The car and the _______. A. dog B. boat C. train ( ) 7. Which needs wings The bird and the _______. A. plane B. car C. horse ( ) 8. How much __________ do you want A. watermelons B. ice cream C. cakes 五.句子翻译 is my toycar 2. The t


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