
ASME B31.9-2020 Building Services Piping 建筑设备管道.pdf

ASME B31.9-2020 Building Services Piping 建筑设备管道.pdf

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Buil~ing Services Piping ASME Code fo『 Pressu『e Piping, 831 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Ruedd ·- nude UG ne ··tu - D ml nv nud n - - ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 831 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD A泪鸟、 )€※S( t与去试二J The American Society of U丘J〔B Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue • New Yo『k, NY • 10016 USA Date of Issuance : December 31, 2020 The next ed ition of t his Code is schedu led for publication in 2023. This Code w ill become effective 6 mont hs after the Date of Issuance. AS ME issues wr it t en replies to inqu ir ies concerning int erpret ations of t echn ical aspects of t h is Code. Inter pret ations are pub lished on the Comm ittee we b page and u nder /lnterpsDatabase. Per iodically certain actions of t he ASME B31 Comm itt ees may be published as Cases. Cases are p ublished on t he ASME we bsite under the B31 Committ ee Page at /B31committee as t hey are issued. Errata t o codes and st andards may be posted o n the ASM Ewebs ite und er the Comm itt ee Pages of the associat ed codes and standards to provide correct io ns to incorrectly published items, or to cor rect typogra ph ica l or grammatical errors in codes and st andards. Such errat a shall be used on the date posted . The B31 Comm itt ee Page can be foun d at http://go ./B3 1committee. The associated B31 Commit tee Pages fo r each code and st andard can be accessed from this main page. There is an optio n availab le t o automatically rece ive an e-ma il notificatio n w hen errata are post ed t o a particular code o r standard. Thi s opti on ca n be found o n t he ap pro priate Co


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