二零二三年 优质公开课CompensationExpectationManagement.pptx

二零二三年 优质公开课CompensationExpectationManagement.pptx

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猎头实务 01Compensation Expectation Management Compensation Expectation ManagementCandidate’s motivation managementThis is the foundation. If we can understand and manage the candidate’s motivation well, compensation management and negotiation will be a piece of cake.Pure Number CalculationApple to AppleKnow the candidate’s present compensation structureUnderstand the client’s total compensation composition Skills of Compensation Expectation ManagementDare to manage. It is usual for candidate to care about the compensation.We shouldn’t attract candidates only by compensation.But to dig out the real reason why the candidate is interested in this position.Be careful of those candidates who only care about compensation. Skills of Compensation Expectation ManagementFrank Open Communication.Both you and the candidate can communicate the compensation topic frankly and openly. But this doesn’t mean all the candidate’s need should be satisfied. For those unreasonable requirements, we should reject at the very beginning. Skills of Compensation Expectation Management Remind yourself to manage the candidate’s compensation expectation from the first contact till the formal offer letter is issued. In this case, there is possibility that the client’s offer can be better than the candidate’s expectation and offer will be attractive for him. Scenarios of Compensation Expectation Management Mr Consultant, how much do you suggest me to ask for the compensation? There is only less than 10% of increase in this offer, I will not consider this offer。I hope my compensation can be double of my present salary. 常见薪酬问题应对1解答:在回答这些问题之前,我们必须要知道公司对不同岗位给薪的底线和最高上限,但是只告诉应聘者给薪范围的下限及中间值,这样一方面可以替公司筛选掉对薪资有过高预期的应聘者,一方面又保留了谈判空间,遇到经验丰富或者条件级佳的应聘者时,还可以有往上调整的弹性空间。应聘人员一开始就问工资多少,转正达到多少,该如何回答? 常见薪酬问题应对21. 面试中可问些相关问题,比如:在我们公司工作,你希望 得到什么样的薪金待遇? 你愿意降低自己的薪筹标准吗? 从现在开始的三年内,你的收入目标是什么?面试过程中对于薪资谈判有什么技巧吗? 2. 要适当给予求职者心理压力,降低其心理期望,让对方务 实理性的看待薪酬,因为招聘过程中,经常出现招聘人员 被求职者提供的原公司高薪唬住的现象。 Compensation Communication FormatWh


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