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新视界大学英语综合教程2_unit3第1页/共121页 Warming up headlines (标题), news stories, letters, editorials (社论), features (特写报道), pictures, reviews (评论文章), film and television listings, advertisements, comic strips (连环漫画), cartoons, puzzles, weather forecasts, financial figures, sports results etc1. What you can find in a newspaper?? Work in pairs and discuss the questions.第2页/共121页 Warming upCCTV International, China Daily, People’s Daily, China Radio International, Shanghai Daily, South China Morning Post, Xinhua News Agency2. Name some Chinese news sources in EnglishSome English-language newspapers worth mentioning may be: The Times (《泰晤士报》), The Guardian (《卫报》, Financial Times (UK) (《金融时报》), The Wall Street Journal (《华尔街日报》), The New York Times (《纽约时报》), International Herald Tribune (USA) (《国际先驱论坛报》).3. Name some famous international newspapers. 第3页/共121页 Warming up? Work in pairs. Look at the first sentence of the passage and decide which is the main responsibility of a journalist.What is the responsibility of a journalist?? 1 to tell the truth? 2 to simplify things so that people will understand easily? 3 to use a style people will enjoy reading ? 4 to do what the editor has asked? 5 to find out as much as possible about the topic? 6 not to get involved personally in the news eventNow read the passage and compare your ideas with the writer’s.第4页/共121页 Skimming◇ Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.◇Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 51.Task? Choose the best summary of the passage.1. Journalists are human beings like the rest of us. We cannot expect them to be completely objective when faced with difficult situations, and we cannot expect their reports to be completely accurate as a result. 第5页/共121页 Skimming2. Journalists sometimes have to make difficult decisions about how, and what, to report. It is important for everyone to realize how difficult these decisions are, and to recognize that editors and readers should share part of th


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