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绩 效 评 估 表PeformanceReviewform -_... - _-_ _~-“.一· - ———————————————————————————————— 作者: ———————————————————————————————— 日期: 2 PERFORMANCE REVIEW FORM 绩效评估表 Employees Name 姓名Position Title 职务Starting Date 入职日期Review Period 评估期: Type of review 类型:  From 自 To至Annual年度评估 Employee # 工号Department 部门Supervisor 主管 Date of Review评估日期Special特别评估 Pls read the instructions on last page before doing the review. (请在做评估以前阅读最后一页说明) Part I: General Competence/Skills Review 第一部分: 总体技能评估 1. QUALITY OF WORK 工作质量Acceptability 1. QUALITY OF WORK 工作质量 Acceptability of work produced. Frequency of error and rejects made. Neatness and tidiness of work habits. 完成工作的可接受程度。出差错和被拒绝的频率。工作习惯是否整洁干净、有条不紊。 1 2 3 4 5  Rating 分数 Examples or reasons for giving this rating are: 列出该分数的具体例子或原因: JOB KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL 工作知识和技巧 Possess and apply management and technical knowledge, skills and techniques on the job在工作上拥有和使用管理和技术知识、技巧和技能。 Examples or reasons for giving this rating are: 列出该分数的具体例子或原因: QUANTITY/PRODUCTIVITY OF WORK 工作量 Consider the volume of work achieved. Is productivity at an acceptable level?考虑其完成的工作量,目前的工作效率水平能否被接受. Examples or reasons for giving this rating are: 列出该分数的具体例子或原因: INITIATIVE 主动性 Extent to which employee accepts additional responsibilities; taking appropriate action without waiting for direction from supervisors. Is resourceful in solving problems. 员工接受额外任务的程度。不用等主管指示而采取适当的行动。是否能够有很多解决问题的方案。 Examples or reasons for giving this rating are: 列出该分数的具体例子或原因: DISCIPLINE 纪律 Compliance with company policies and regulations. Observes punctuality in attendance to work schedule. 遵守公司政策及规定的情况。考虑其及时性及出勤情况。 Examples or reasons for giving this rating are: 列出该分数的具体例子或原因:  1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 3 TEAMWORK/COOPERATION 团队合作 / 协作 Degree to which an employee displays positive work attitude and commitment. Ability to cooperate and work together with fellow colleagues in achieving organizational goals. 员工表现出的乐观的工作态度的程度以及对承诺事项的完成程度,及与工作伙伴合作共事,来达到公司目标。 Examples or reasons for g


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