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mRNA稳定性和细胞内定位第1页/共41页 22.1 Introduction3′ UTR (3′ untranslated region) – The untranslated sequence downstream from the coding region of an mRNA.5′ UTR (5′ untranslated region) – The untranslated sequence upstream from the coding region of an mRNA.第2页/共41页 FIGURE 01: Features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic mRNAs.第3页/共41页 22.1 Introductionstem-loop – A secondary structure that appears in RNAs consisting of a base-paired region (stem) and a terminal loop of single-stranded RNA.Both are variable in size.第4页/共41页 22.2 Messenger RNAs Are Unstable MoleculesmRNA instability is due to the action of ribonucleases.Ribonucleases differ in their substrate preference and mode of attack.endoribonuclease – A ribonuclease that cleaves an RNA at an internal site(s). exoribonuclease – A ribonuclease that removes terminal ribonucleotides from RNA. FIGURE 02: Types of ribonucleases.第5页/共41页 22.2 Messenger RNAs Are Unstable Moleculesprocessive (nuclease) – An enzyme that remains associated with the substrate while catalyzing the sequential removal of nucleotides.distributive (nuclease) – An enzyme that catalyzes the removal of only one or a few nucleotides before dissociating from the substrate.mRNAs exhibit a wide range of half-lives.第6页/共41页 FIGURE 03: Method for determining mRNA half-lives.第7页/共41页 22.2 Messenger RNAs Are Unstable MoleculesmRNA decay – mRNA degradation, assuming that the degradation process is stochastic (随机的). Differential mRNA stability is an important contributor to mRNA abundance and therefore the spectrum of proteins made in a cell.steady state (molecular concentration) – The concentration of population of molecules when the rates of synthesis and degradation are constant.第8页/共41页 22.3 Eukaryotic mRNAs Exist in the Form of mRNPs from Their Birth to Their Death mRNA associates with a changing population of proteins during its nuclear maturation and cytoplasmic life. Some nuclear-acquired mRNP proteins have roles in the cytoplasm.A very large number of RNA-bin


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