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暑假常见题型练习 一、根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 We can take a ________(出租车)to the museum. There are only 2 ________(千)students in his school. Can you something _________(奇怪的)in the garden? Let’s go to the island by________(船). He left home in a _________(匆忙)and forgot to turn off the light this morning. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.She is often _____for school, because she goes to bed ________.(late) 2.He often comes to school ________and today he was the ________one to come to school.(early) 3.Nowadays, everybody has ________to express their ideas _______even in public.(free) 4.Great _______have taken place in my hometown. It has really ________ a lot.(change) 5.I think a ________friend is someone who can understand you _______(true) 三、选择题 ( ) 1. —________ you play table tennis? —No. But I swim well. A. Must B. May C. Can D. Should ( ) 2. I can’t play ________ violin but I can play________ golf. A. the; / B. the; the C. /; / D. /; the ( )3. Don’t worry ________ me. I’ll try my best and get a good score. A. about B. of C. with D. for ( ) 4. —Can Sam’s grandfather use the computer? —Yes, and he________ all kinds of things on the Internet every day. A. buys B. is buying C. has bought D. bought ( ) 5. —Who can help us _____ our project for Earth Day? —Maybe we can ask Mr. Castle _____ help. A. with; about B. with; for C. of; for D. for; with ( ) 6. —Where is my bag? —Is this ________? —No, ________ is black. A. yours; my B. your; my C. your; mine D. yours; mine ( ) 7. Linda lost her key. It made her________ in the cold to wait for her parents. A. to stay B. stay C. stayed D. stays ( ) 8. —________ dressed now! We have to go in ten minutes. -OK, mom. A. Getting B. Get C. To get D. Gets ( ) 9. It’s very important for us to know how to _______well with people around us. A. get down B. get over C. get on D. get up ( ) 10. Thanks to Project Hope



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