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chemicals.Platinum and rhodium, that reduce nitrogen oxides (three-way, dual bed converter). 当发动机燃烧燃油时,它产生有害于环境的废气。这些有害气体是HC、CO、NOx。为防止发动机排放的这些气体污染环境,在排放                 系统里安装了催化转化器。催化                转化器安装在排气管内,位于排 气歧管和消声器之间,利用化学 制品作为催化剂。催化转化器内 的化学物质使得用橡胶软管将PCV 系统连接在发动机和进气歧管之 间。曲轴箱正压强制通风装置 (PCV)的作用是将正常燃烧过程中 曲轴箱产生的油气改道引入可燃 混合气的进气系统中以便燃烧。 Fig.5-8 Catalytic Converter PCV Valve PCV阀 The process of combustion forms several gases and vapors; many of them are quite corrosive. Some of these gases get past the piston rings and into the crankcase. If left in the crankcase, these substances would cause all kinds of bad things(rust, corrosion, and formation of sludge), so they have to be removed. The PCV system uses a host connected between the engine and the intake manifold. The purpose of the positive crankcase ventilation(PCV)system, is to take the vapors produced in the crankcase during the normal combustion process, and redirect them into the air/fuel intake system to be burned during combustion. 燃烧过程生成多种气体和蒸汽;其中有很多气体是具有腐蚀性的。有些气体经过活塞环进入到曲轴箱内。如果这些燃烧产物停留 在曲轴箱内,则会 产生各种副作用 (如锈蚀,腐蚀及 生成油泥的组分), 因此,必须将它们 清除出去。用橡胶 软管将PCV系统连接 在发动机和进气歧 管之间。曲轴箱正 压强制通风装置 (PCV)的作用是将 正常燃烧过程中曲 轴箱产生的油气改 道引入可燃混合气 的进气系统中以便 燃烧。 Fig.5-9 PCV Valve EGR Valve EGR阀 The Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve is used to send some of the exhaust gas back into the cylinders to reduce combustion temperature. Nitrous oxides (nasty pollutants) form when the combustion temperature gets above 2,500 degrees F. This happens because at such temperatures, the nitrogen in the air mixes with the oxygen to create nitrous oxides, which the sun hits will turn into smog. The EGR valve tries to prevent this. By recirculating some of the exhaust gas back


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