新概念英语第一册Lesson 103-104 课件.ppt

新概念英语第一册Lesson 103-104 课件.ppt

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The French test How long did the exam last? pass the exam fail the exam take the exam a difficult question a good question an easy question mark top exam mathematics question enough paper answer Write your name at the ____ of the paper. He is sure he has got a low ____. The questions were too difficult for him to ____. He is afraid he failed the English ____. The questions were easy ____ for him to answer. The ____ were quite difficult. He is teaching ____. They are taking an ____. How was the exam, Richard? Not too bad. I think I passed in English and Mathematics. GARY: RICHARD: The questions were very easy. How about you, Gary? The English and Math papers werent easy enough for me. I hope I havent failed. RICHARD: GARY: I think I failed the French paper. I could answer sixteen of the questions. They were very easy. But I couldnt answer the rest. They were too difficult for me. RICHARD: French tests are awful, arent they? I hate them. Im sure Ive got a low mark. GARY: RICHARD: Oh, cheer up! Perhaps we didnt do too badly. The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper. GARY: Yes? Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! He didnt write a word! RICHARD: GARY: GARY: RICHARD: 考试考得怎样,理查德? 不算太坏。 我想我的英语和数学及格了。 RICHARD: GARY: 题目很容易。 加里,你怎么样? 英语和数学试题对我来说不很容易。 我希望别不及格。 RICHARD: 我想我的法语及不了格。 我能回答其中的16道题。 这些题很容易。 但我回答不出其余的题。 那些题对我来说太难了。 GARY: RICHARD: 法语太可怕了,你说呢? 我讨厌法语。 我的法语成绩肯定很低。 GARY: 啊,别灰心! 或许我们考得还不太糟。 坐在我旁边的那个人只在试卷顶端写了自己的名字。 RICHARD: GARY: 是吗? 然后他就坐在那里, 对着考卷看了3个小时, 一个字也没写! 如何形容“太”和“够”? Could he answer the questions? No, he couldn’t . They are too difficult to answer. Could he go to school? Yes, he could. He is old enough to go to school. Could they eat the cakes ? No, they couldn’t. They are too stale to eat. Could she eat the orange? Yes, she could. It is soft enough to eat. Could he answer the questions? No, he couldn’t . They are too difficult to answer. Could he go to school? Yes, he could. He is old


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