
Chapter 5 Reading(课件)新版朗文英语二年级上册.ppt

Chapter 5 Reading(课件)新版朗文英语二年级上册.ppt

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Let’s do some more activities! Post-reading Readers’ theatre DO NOT THROW LITTER. DO NOT CLIMB THE TREES. DO NOT PICK THE FLOWERS. DO NOT WALK ON THE GRASS. Do you know these signs? Do not ride a bicycle. Do not pick the flowers. Do not bring your pets. Do not walk on the grass. Do not feed the animals. Do not throw litter. 知识源自点滴 2023年 如遇课件中视频、音频无法正常播放,请在网站联系上传者索取完整版本。 如需与课件配套的教学设计、随堂练习,请与上传者联系索取。 Functions 21st Century Knowledge and Skills Values and Attitudes Talking about rules Critical thinking Civic literacy Following rules Reading Skills Making guesses/observations about the text/pictures Relating the text to self Giving personal responses to the text Locating specific information in response to questions Inferring unknown words from contextual/pictorial cues Reading Pre-reading – Introducing the setting First reading – Shared reading Second reading – Reading aloud – Activity 1: Assessment for learning Post-reading – Activity 2: Readers’ theatre – Activity 3: Guess the signs – Activity 4: More park signs Today we are going to read a story. Let’s look at some pictures! Pre-reading Can you guess what the sign says? Why can’t we feed the animals? The animals may eat too much and be sick! Are the children following the rules? Why are the children feeding the monkeys? Let’s read the story! First reading Can they eat the bananas? What sign do the people see? Are the monkeys hungry now? Let’s watch the video and read the story again! Second reading hungry yummy full Answers * Say This boy and his father are in the park today. When we are in the park, we must follow the rules. Do you remember any park rules? – recalling Say Let’s look at this picture. This boy has some bananas. [Click to circle the bananas] Ask Does he want to feed the monkeys? (Yes.) Say Look at his father. Mime the boy’s father’s body actions and point at the sign. He is pointing to a sign. [Click to show the question] Can you guess what the sign says? [



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