
省级优秀课件人教版小学英语(五年级下册)Unit6 Work quietly.pptx

省级优秀课件人教版小学英语(五年级下册)Unit6 Work quietly.pptx

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Unit 6 Work quietly B. Let’s talkPEP 5B PEP 5B Let’s chantMy rules?我的课堂规则是?English name?请和老师一起chant。老师念黄色字体,同学们念蓝色字体。 LiMy name’s Raya.This is my class.I am happy.Please join me!These are my rules.Let’s see.Look,look,look carefully.Think,think,think carefully.Read,read,read carefully.Help,help,help each other.These are my rules.Are you clear?Listen,listen.Listen carefully. Rules in the classI have the same rules. 同样的规则 Look carefully!Listen carefully!Think carefully!Read carefully!Help each other!Tip:帮助Tom了解课堂规则吧! What are the rules in the library?图书馆规则是什么呢? A B C D E F G Quiet,please! 保持安静 Work quietly! 安静地工作No eating! 不可以吃东西!No smoking!禁止抽烟 script murder 剧本杀之图书馆“风云”Tip :请按顺序给图书馆选择适合的图标规则。 Say and act剧本一:你在图书馆看书,边上的一位男士抽起了烟,你被烟味呛到。。。。。。剧本二:你在看书时,隔壁桌的同学把椅子摇晃的哐哐响,你。。。。。。剧本三:你在图书馆看书,有人大声打招呼,此时你。。。。。。剧本四:你在图书馆看书,边上同学大口吃着香喷喷的食物。。。。。。 A B C D每组由组长各选择一个剧本,并结合剧本选择合适的规则图标,完成表演。2 Can Tom and John follow the rules ,too?Tom和John也能遵守规则么? Listen and circleQuiet, please!No eating!1.What are they doing?A. Eating B. Talking 2.What rule should they follow(遵守) now? Tom: My name is Tom.What’s your name?John: Shh.Talk quietly.I’m John. I can show you the English books.Tom: Thanks.John: Here they are.Tom: OK. Can I read the books here?John: Yes. Of course.Tom: Anything else?John: Yes. Keep your desk clean . Tom: OK. I will. Thanks.Let’s talkTom:John:Tom:John:Tom:John:Tom:John:Tom:Shh.Talk quietly. Tip :听课文录音,找出文中与Quiet,please.意思相近的规则句子。 Talk quietly in the .libraryAnywhere else?还有哪些场所也要注意小声说话呢? Shh.Talk quietly in the .teachers’ officecanteenhospitalcinema...Please talk quietly in the public places (公共场合)!Tip:小组内讨论,还有哪些场所需要Talk quietly。 Predict:What are Tom and John talking ab



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