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How to Write and Publish SCICited Papers? An Overview;朱兴全教授出版、发表论著情况;2 in Lancet Infectious DiseaseIF(11.8, higher than that of PNAS)

3 in Trends in Parasitology (IF 4.9)

12 in Electrophoresis (IF 4.1)

1 in Mol Phylogenet Evol (3.5)

8 in Int J Parasitol (IF 3.3);Total IFs more tha1n80, andcited more than660 times by

hundreds of other authors andmore than10 magazines;国际著名SCI期刊Trends inParasitology (IF4.9)编委

国际SCI期刊Journal of Animaland Veterinary Advances (IF?编)

11份国际SCI期刊审稿专家;Preview of the Presentation;What is SCI?;Why SCI Papers?;A prerequisite for promotion in well-regarded universities research

institutions;Key requirement for applying forsome specially-engaged positions;SCI Source Magazines;Unique Features of SCI;Hence,SCI不仅作为一部文献检索工具使用,而且成为评价科研成就、学术水平的一种权威依据。

大学、科研机构、个人被SCI收录的论文总量及被引用的次数,基本上可反映大学、科研机构、个人科学研究,尤其是基础研究的能力与学术水平。;JCR and IF;Examples of IF;J. Biol. Chem. (5.81)

J. Virol. (5.34)Trends Parasitol. (4.91)Electrophoresis (4.10)

J. Bacteriol. (3.99)Virology (3.53); etc;Significance of IF;Three Stages : Research,writing and publishing;Classification of Research Projects;B. Projects utilising available theory,methods or techniques to solveproblems or to fill gaps ofknowledge in the chosen discipline

Results may be publishedpublished in well-regardedinternational journals;The majority of projectsare within this category;C. Projects aimed at solving particularproblems in a country or working onspecimens from a country, cases, etc.

Results are publishableinternationally and nationally.

The majority of research projectsin China are within this category

Master projects should be withinthis category!;D. Projects aimed at solving particularproblems at state (provincial) orlocal level or working on localspecimens, cases, etc.;How to conduct researchprojects efficiently?

(The Research Stage);Apply for grants, ie., get money todo research,very important!!!

The choice of an appropriateproject: cent


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