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从词汇能力的培养看 新课标英语的教学理念 曾用强 广东外语外贸大学 一、词汇能力的定义 词汇是语言的基本构成 高考题型难易度调查 讨论…… 词汇记忆 该记忆哪些单词? 该记忆这些单词的哪些内容? 该如何记忆这些单词? How should one invest a sum of money in these days of inflation (通货膨胀)? Left in a bank it will hardly keep its value, however high the interest rate. Only a brave man, or a very rich one, dares to buy and sell on the Stock Market. Today it seems that one of the best ways to protect your savings and even increase your wealth is to buy beautiful objects from the past. Here I am going to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks, which I personally consider as one of the most interesting of antiques. 二、词汇能力的培养 以语篇为单位 以话题为指导 以任务为中心 以关联为内容 形容词搭配 best, bosom, close, dear, good, great, intimate, real, special Her best friend at school was called Anna. I’m inviting only my closest friends to the party. 形容词搭配 faithful, loyal, true lifelong, long-standing, old It was so relaxing to be among old friends. 动词搭配 become They became friends after meeting on holiday. remain, stay We stayed friends even after we grew up and left home. 动词搭配 find, make He finds it difficult to make friends. She’s made friends with the little girl who lives next door. win He won’t win any friends if he carries on talking like that. 动词搭配 have She doesn’t have many good friends. 三、对新课标英语教学的启示 1. 在语篇中考查语言知识和语言技能; 2. 在应用中考查语言的综合能力; 3. 提供学生更大的自由发挥空间; 4. 注重语言与情感文化等因素的融和。 我们在语言学习过程中应该充分认识到: 语言能力是一个整体概念,即:它的各个组成部分(语言知识、语言技能和语言任务)之间相互联系、互相依存、缺一不可。 语言学习不是简单地记忆单词、背诵语法规则;也不只是练好听、说、读和写的技能。掌握语言的词、句、篇必须知道它们如何应用于语言技能中,语言技能必须服务于语言交际目的,即:完成特定的语言任务。 语言知识是语言能力的内核部分。学好语言首先必须具备扎实的语言基本功,也就是,具有良好的语言知识并能在语言使用中得到正确的运用。 语言的学习必须融入真实的语言情景中,强调语言产出能力的培养,即:写作(笔头产出)和口语(口头产出),同时提高篇章理解与分析的能力。 真 实 性 无情景 有情景 教学方式 单一 多样化 师生互动 低 高 能力维度 单维度 多维度 Reading ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you,


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