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10 研究报告 南京地铁车辆合成闸瓦技术方案探讨 1 2 2 3 吴井冰 姜 敏 应之 丁 裴顶峰 ( 1. , 2100 12, ; 2. , 200092, ; 3. , 10008 1, , ) 分析了国内外铁路车辆应用的合成闸瓦技术, 并对 , 地铁车辆使用的合成闸瓦特点进行探讨提出 究聚合物 , 基复合摩阻材料的地铁车辆合成闸瓦初步技术方案, 重点解 , 决适用于地铁车辆制动工况的关键技术, 包括耐热高聚物的 , 改性和应用 究增强材料的应用 究和设计材料结构与性 50 能, 并对合成闸瓦的生产工艺进行初步探讨 , 地铁车辆, 合成闸瓦, 技术方案, 生产工艺 U 260 . 351 ( K , = 0. 25) ( L , = 0. 17) On Technical Solution for Composition Brake Shoe in Nanjing , Metro , Wu Jingbing, Jiang M in, Y ing Zhiding, Pei Dingfeng T GV P SE Abstract n t his paper, many kinds of composit ion br ake shoe : ( ) used in railw ay rolling-stock worldw ide are introduced fo r the ( SBR) ; ex plor atio n of the features of brake shoe installed in metro cars. ; ( ) ; ; ; T he technical solution of composit ion brake shoe is to use phe- ; ; nolic resins compounded w ith the rubbing resistance material, ( ) and this so lution applied in metro v ehcilesr has been analysized , to offer higher pr operties and lower cost . T o improve the ther- mal resistance and mechanical propert ies, it is necessary to im- prove the pr operties of synthetic fiber and their applicat ion in t he brake shoe. F inally, the manufacturing technolog y of co m- position brake shoe is also discussed. , Key words metro vehicle, composition b


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