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Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University Part Five The Nervous System Department of Anatomy ,Qingdao University Medical College W.S.B 2003.11.11 Ⅰ.The organization of the Nervous system 1.The peripheral nervous system (PNS) (周围神经系) 2.The central nervous system (CNS) (中枢神经系) Ⅰ.The organization of the Nervous system Division of nervous system 1. Central nervous system (中枢神经系) (1) brain (脑) (2) spinal cord (脊髓) 2. Peripheral nervous system (周围神经系) (1) cranial nerves (脑神经) (2) spinal nerves (脊神经) (3) visceral nerves (内脏神经) Ⅲ. Reflex arc and Reflex (反射弧和反射) Ⅳ.Terminology of the nervous system 1). Nucleus (神经核) ganglion (神经节) 2). Gray matter (灰质) white matter (白质) 3). Nerve (神经) fasciculus (纤维束) Ⅵ. Functions of the nervous system 1. It regulates (调节) and intergrates (整 合) the activities of all the bodily system for the benefit of the organism as a whole. 2. The nervous system is also the seat of all mental activity, including consciousness (意识), memory (记忆) thinking (思维). Chapter 16 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (周围神经) The Spinal Nerves (脊神经) The Cranial Nerves (脑神经) The Autonomic Nervous System (自主神经系) (The Visceral Nervous System 内脏神经系) Section 1 The Spinal Nerves (脊神经) 1. Composition (组成): 1) anterior root (前根): efferent fibers (传出纤维) 2) posterior root (后根): afferent f ibers(传入纤维) 3) spinal ganglia (脊神经节) The Spinal Nerves (脊神经) 2. Classification (分类): 1) cervical nerves (颈神经): C 1 - C 8 2) thoracic nerves (胸神经): T 1 - T 12 3) lumbar nerves (腰神经): L 1 - L 5 4) sacral nerves (骶神经): S1 - S 5 5) coccygeal nerve (尾神经): Co 1 A. Cervical plexus (C1-4) 1. Location (位置) Opposite C 1-3, ventral to the levator scapulae and middle scalene muscle and covered by sternocleido-mastoid (肩胛提肌和中斜角肌之前, 被胸锁乳突肌覆盖). [local anesthesia (toponarcosis) 局部麻醉] Cervical plexus (C1-4) 1) lesser occipital n.