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摘 要 任何一种金融市场都不会孤立地存在,而是和其他金融市场相互联系,相 互影响的。期货市场和股票市场是金融市场的两个重要组成部分。虽然期货和 股票两者的定价方法不同,但是通过现货市场和投资者预期改变等传导机制, 期货价格和相关股票价格在理论上是相互联系的。本文力图以典型的铜期货和 中美两国的股票市场为例,运用计量经济学方法进行实证检验,以期明确铜业 上市公司股票价格和铜期货价格之间的关系,在此基础上加深对股票市场和期 货市场之间关联性的认识,并提出有关政策建议。 具体研究方法是首先借鉴有关的研究成果。然后在股票和期货相关定价理 论的基础上,结合具体影响各自价格的因素和投资者行为,从定性的角度初步 分析两个价格之间可能存在的联系。最后收集中国和美国铜业上市公司股票价 格以及铜期货价格等方面的数据,运用协整检验和格兰杰因果检验等时间序列 分析方法对数据进行实证研究。 本文的主要研究结论为:第一,通过铜期货以及铜业上市公司股票价格的 协整关系的实证研究,表明无论我国的还是美国的铜业上市公司股票市场都和 铜期货市场存在着长期均衡关系。第二,铜业公司股价显著的受期铜价格影响。 这一方面表明铜业公司股票市场容易受到期货市场状况的影响,另一方面也表 明市场股价能够比较及时地反映外部因素的动态变化。第三,滞后期数增加时 铜期货价格对铜业上市公司股价的影响减弱。 关键词:股价;期货价格;格兰杰检验 Abstract Any financial market will not exist in isolation and will be interrelated and influenced by other financial markets. Futures and stock markets both are important parts of the financial markets. Their pricing methods are different, but futures price and the related stock prices are theoretically interrelated through some transmission mechanism such as the spot market and the change of investors’ exception. This paper choose the copper futures and the Chinese and American stock markets as the typical example, then use econometric methods to test the analysis and hypothesis in order to clear the relation between the copper futures price and copper listed companies’ stock price. From this, we want to learn more about the linkages between stock and futures markets and give the policy recommendations. The paper first draws on the research results. Then referring to the relative pricing theory of stock and futures and the influence factors of the stock and futures price, the paper analyzes the possible links from a qualitative point of view. At last, the paper collects the date of the final price of the copper futures and copper listed companies’ stock and use the co-integration test and Granger causality test to test the date. T


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