改革开放以来我国报纸广告变迁的实证研究 ——以《文汇报》和《北京青年报》为例.pdf

改革开放以来我国报纸广告变迁的实证研究 ——以《文汇报》和《北京青年报》为例.pdf

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签名:周宇博 导师签名: 倪宁 日期:2010.5.10 摘 要 改革开放以来我国社会发生了巨大的变迁,在这种历史的巨变中,广告业 也随之发生了天翻地覆的改变。社会的发展无疑对广告业的成长产生了深刻的 影响,而广告作为社会的一面镜子,广告业的成长日记也恰恰是社会变更的一 个缩影。因此对广告发展脉络进行梳理,不仅可以了解广告业的发展历程,还 可以从中窥探整个社会文化环境的变迁。 十一届三中全会后,我国广告业开始恢复和发展,1979年被称之为中国当 代广告“元年”。从 1979 年到 2009 年我国当代广告刚好发展了三十年。本文以 报纸广告作为切入点,采用内容分析的方法,透过对报纸广告这三十年来的历 时性研究,从广告的外在表现形式和内在文化价值观两方面探寻我国当代广告 的发展脉络。 研究以《文汇报》和《北京青年报》为例,选取了 539 条广告作为样本, 对其从表现形式、文化价值观以及交互影响三方面进行了分析。研究结果如下: 第一,在表现形式上,当下我国的广告传播已经逐步进入一个以视觉为中心的 时代,文字不再是广告主体,不过却往往起着画龙点睛的作用。第二,在诉求 方式上,不同的行业各有偏爱,总体而言理性诉求和感性诉求平分秋色。第三, 在文化价值观上,象征型文化价值观和实用型文化价值观存在此消彼长的关系。 三十年来,象征型文化价值观在广告中所占的比例迅速上升,不过实用型文化 价值观始终保有一席之地。第四,纵向上看,西方文化价值观呈现出下降趋势; 东方文化价值观则完全相反,在历时性呈上升趋势。而在横向上,西方文化价 值观却始终占据着主要地位。 关键词:改革开放 内容分析 历时性研究 Abstract Since the reforming and opening-up policy brought a great change to our society, the advertising industry undergone enormous changes. While social development has a profound influence on advertising industry, advertising industry also epitomizes social change. Therefore, clarifying development path of advertising industry not only tells us the history of it, but also helps us learn the social culture change After the Third Plenary Session, Chinas advertising industry started to revive and develop, and since 1979 when is called Year One of advertising industry,Chinas contemporary advertising has passed total 30 years. In the prospective of newspaper advertising, I search the development path of Chinas contemporary advertising in both sides of external manifestation and intrinsic culture value, by content analysisI selected 539 samples of ads in Shanghai Wenhui Daily and Beijing Youth Daily to analyze them in sides of external manifestation, intrinsic culture value and interaction. The results are as follows: First, in the form of expression, present advertising has gradually entered into the era when vision is the center, the text is no longer the main part, but often plays a finishing pointSecond, different industries have their own preference in


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