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摘 要 我国目前仍是拥有 9 亿农村人口的农业大国,农村观众占电视节目 受众的绝大多数。然而,在媒体大战中,农业节目表现出:一方面是大 众化,城市化的现象比较突出,通过节目的故事化、悬念化、娱乐化吸 引受众的注意力规模获得盈利。另一方面是,作为专业节目,目标受众 定位不明确,广大农村受众的收视需求得不到满足,节目形式与农民接 受能力也存在失调现象。特别是一些农技信息类节目,专业化色彩过于 浓厚,农民对节目内容往往一知半解,降低了节目的传播效果。在专业 市场细分的情况下,大众化与专业化哪个能带来更大的价值,二者如何 平衡取舍,有没有更好的方式方法可以让二者达到整合与统一,针对以 上情况,本文将以 CCTV?7农业节目的收视状况、机构体制、市场利益 驱动、收视率反馈调查体系等作为样本分析,来看农业节目如何化解大 众传播与服务定位之间的矛盾,并借鉴国外专业频道的成功经验和管理 机制,论证服务性农业节目该如何为农民受众正确、及时地接收信息服 务。同时也探讨实现农业节目大众化必需以专业化为基础,在长期的市 场化竞争中形成专业化优势,并将此优势扩展到大众市场,从而更好地 整合专业化与大众化市场的可行途径。这对于改善目前对农传播现状, 促进“三农”问题的解决,都有着重要的现实意义和实践指导意义。 关键词 农业电视节目 受众中心 专业化与大众化Abstract As a large agricultural country with 900 million in rural population, the rural audiences make up the vast television majority in China. In the media war, the agricultural program is showed the features of mass and urbanization, which takes the profits through the programs by story, suspense and entertainment to attract the audience attention. However, on the other hand, the agricultural program is occurred the problems, such as positioning unclear target audience, lower viewing audience demand in the vast rural areas and the disorder phenomenon between presentation format and the ability of farmers. In particular, some types of agricultural information program are showed the intense professionalization, which were reduced the spread effect because farmers are often not familiar with the program content. In the condition of professional market, it exist the opinion that which one will lead to great value between popular and professional programs, and how to balance the trade-off between popular and professional programsIs there a better way to integrate and unite the popular and professional programsIn this article, we will analysis the contents of viewing conditions, organization system, market-driven interest, feedback and research in audience rating through the CCTV-7 agricultural program. The aims of this study are: to solve the contradictions between public communication


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