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摘 要 随着劳动力市场的不断变化,组织面临着劳动力多元化的冲击,如何管理 多样性的员工以实现组织目标成为企业管理者不得不面临的问题。人员聘用管 理是人力资源管理实践最基本的重要环节,如果说在聘用阶段存在针对女性的 性别歧视,那么很难说在人力资源管理实践的其他环节不存在针对女性的性别 歧视。出于获取竞争优势的考虑,组织不应该仅仅因为性别而将符合条件的女 性拒之门外。 但是,针对女性的性别歧视在中国随处可见,并且国内学术界对人员聘用 管理领域中的性别歧视研究较少,于是,本研究的主要目的在于,对国外学者 在人员聘用管理领域中的性别歧视的研究进行梳理,完成一个系统的文献研究 过程,为今后该领域中的研究奠定基础,并为今后的研究提出建议。通过文献 研究发现,针对女性的性别歧视在人员聘用决策中确实存在,但是会随情景不 同而有所变化,该变化的影响因素主要有:(1)决策者能够获得的与求职者有 关的信息的充分程度;(2 )性别角色一致性的影响;(3 )决策者个体因素的影 响。 最后,基于文献研究,构建用于检测人员聘用决策中存在的性别差异的检 验模型。 关键词:歧视 正式歧视 非正式歧视 统计性歧视 基于个人偏好的歧视 刻板印象 描述性刻板印象 说明性刻板印象 刻板印象威胁 Abstract The environment of labor market has increasingly changed. Today more and more women with high educational experiences and relevant job experiences get into labor market. The problem that organizations have to face with is how to deal with this change and how to manage diversity in the workplace. For pursuing profit, organizations should not exclude women labors that are competent for certain occupations or positions, just because of their sex. Basic and important to develop other processes of Human Resource Management is the employment management. If there is any sex-based discrimination in hiring decision, it is hard to say that sex-based discrimination in other decisions doesn’t exist. However, there is little literature that focuses on sex-based discrimination in hiring decisions. Therefore, in this paper we review research on sex-based discrimination in employment management. And we find that sex-based discrimination will change as the specific situation has changed. Three factors will affect this change: (1) the level of information about the applicants that employers have ge


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