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我国普通中学初高中分离与合并办学逻辑研究 摘 要 我国自1951年中学制度正式确立以来,实行的都是初高中合并办学的完 校制度。1999 年中央出台了教基第 12 号文件,鼓励已经普及九年义务教育 的地区进行初高中的完校分离。然而实际的分离道路并不顺利,支持与反对 声共有,贯彻与犹豫心态并存,甚至有些学校先分后合、名分实合,以各种 形式继续完校制度。 本文从这一政策与现实相悖的现象出发,首先通过对中等教育功能的探 讨,试图理解完校分离政策的出发点和着眼点;然后系统的梳理了我国中学 教育制度的历史沿革,以求对我国中等教育制度的形成有一个深刻的了解, 知晓现有的中等教育局面是如何形成的,并明晰改革的难点所在;最后,采 用实地调研,选择有代表性的学校进行访谈以获取一手资料。全文通过访谈、 对政策的分析,挖掘学校对政策的应对方式及原因,以及对完全中学的价值 分析等各方面,对我国中等学校分离与合并的办学逻辑进行了一定研究,并 给出了对今后适合的发展方向的建议。 关键词:完校分离;办学逻辑;大规模高中 1 我国普通中学初高中分离与合并办学逻辑研究 ABSTRACT Our secondary school system since 1951 has been formally established, the implementation of combined junior and senior high schools are the complete school system. In 1999, Central issued a document No. 12 Education Foundation to encourage the already developed areas of the nine-year completion education school to separate junior school from senior school. Nevertheless, the actual separation of the road was not smooth, support and opposition there, carrying out state of mind coexist with hesitation, and even some schools separated morning then mixed evening, or detached public but in complete system privately in various forms. In this paper, contrary to this policy and the reality of the phenomenon of departure, I first discuss the secondary function of trying to understand the complete separation of policy by the school and focus; then system sorts out the history of our high school education system in order to have a deep understanding of knowing how the existing situation developed, and make clear what the difficulties of reforming; Finally, base


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