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摘要 有关吴方言的研究一直是方言研究的重点之一,但是关于吴方言内部之间次 方言的音系对比研究却很少。本文运用当代音系学理论,分别选取南部吴语温州 方言和北部吴语的吴江方言,对这两种方言的音系结构进行分析。文章认为音系 结构标记性强的一种方言,其可懂度低于标记性弱的另一种方言。基于这种假设, 本文旨在通过对吴江方言和温州方言的音段音系、音节结构、声调系统的历时演 变的分析研究,找出这两种方言音系结构的历时变化规则和相关音系制约条件, 解读其音系结构的标记性与可懂度的关系。 在对这两种方言的研究中,不同的音系理论被用来分析两个方言的音系结 构,以便能做出合理的解释。本文运用优选论对两种方言中辅音的历时音变进行 分析,又使用特征几何理论阐释了温州方言中声母的同化现象,本研究还应用成 分理论中的粒子概念说明了温州方言的双元音化现象。两种方言的连续变调中, 则存在方向性的不对称特点。最后,通过对两种方言音系结构的标记性对比,验 证了音系结构标记性与可懂度之间的关系。 全文共包含六个章节。第一章是对前人所做的研究和本研究的意义做了概括 性的介绍。第二章介绍了本文的理论背景。第三章和第四章则分别对两种方言的 表层音系结构进行了描述,并分析了各自方言从中古汉语变化而来的音变规则。 第五章对两种方言的标记性进行对比。最后一章是对全文的总结。 关键词:音系结构,吴江方言,温州方言,标记性 ii Abstract Abstract AAbbssttrraacctt The Wu dialects have been one of the focuses in dialectal studies for many years, but few people have done researches on the comparison of phonological structures among different subsets of Wu dialects. Based on the contemporary phonological theories, this thesis presents ananalysis of the phonological structures of the two Wudialects: a northern Wujiang dialect and a southern Wenzhou dialect, from the diachronic perspective. On the assumption that the more marked the phonological structure of a dialect is, the less intelligible it is with other dialects, the aim of this thesis is to analyze the phonological rules and constraints which configurate their diachronic changes from Middle Chinese in terms of the segmental phonology, syllable structure, tone system, and to examine the relationship between the markedness degree of the phonological structures and the intelligibility degree betweenthe two dialects. In the studies of the Wujiang dialect and the Wenzhou dialect, different contemporary phonological theories are used to analyze their phonological structures to make the explanation


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