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17.基于地统计与 GIS 技术的土壤有机质空间变异性研究∗ ——以湖南主产烟区为例 张一扬,周冀衡,杨虹琦,胡志明 (湖南农业大学 烟草工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410128) 摘要:以湖南烟区的耕层土壤(0~20cm)中有机质为研究对象,利用地统计与GIS技术相结合的方法研究了该地 区土壤中有机质的空间分布特征。土壤有机质含量符合正态分布。应用地统计学分析方法进行了实验变异函数 的计算和最适合模型的拟合,得出土壤有机质最好的理论模型为指数模型。在经过不同趋势阶数土壤有机质克 立格(Kriging)插值误差的综合比较的基础上,结果表明趋势效应参数宜选取0阶。随后用普通克立格估值方 法绘制了土壤有机质的空间分布图。土壤有机质存在明显的趋势效应,表现为从西北到东南逐渐升高的趋势。 关键词:烟区;土壤;有机质;空间分析 Study on spatial distribution character of organic matter in soils by method of Geostatistical and GIS technique —— A case of Hunan tobacco-growing area Zhang Yi-yang Zhou Ji-heng Yang Hong-qi Hu Zhi-ming (Research Center of Tobacco Engineering technology ,HNAU ,Changsha 410128) Abstract: Using soil organic matter in the plough layer soil (0~20cm) of Hunan tobacco-growing area as studied object, the spatial distribution character of organic matter in soil of these areas was revealed, utilizing combined method of geostatistical and GIS technique. The soil organic matter concentration accords with normality distribution. Geostatistical analyses were carried out, including calculation of experimental variograms and model fitting. The best theoretical model for semivariogram of soil organic matter were exponential model. The ordinary kriging estimates of soil organic matter concentration were mapped. The integrative comparisons of semivariogram parameters with different trends of the kriging prediction errors of soil organic matter concentration indicated that the 0-order trend effect was preferable. The trend analysis indicated that soil organic matter concentration had the obvious tendency effect. The spatial distribution of soil organic matter concentration was simila


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