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本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目 宁波市民营企业财务控制研究 学 院 专 业 财 务 管 理 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 摘 要 本文从财务管理的重要环节——财务控制问题入手,以财务控制理论作为研究的基础,分析宁波民营企业的现状以及发展中存在的问题,综合运用管理学、财务管理学等学科的知识,结合案例分析,研究如何规范宁波市民营企业的财务活动,探讨促进宁波民营企业稳定健康发展的途径。 主要采用实证研究的方法,以宁波市27家上市公司作为研究样本,从公开披露在巨潮资讯网上获取样本公司2007、2008、2009三年的财务数据,分析其重要财务指标。以宁波市宜科科技实业股份有限公司为例,分析其基本的财务数据,透过数据找出问题的原因,最后得出解决问题的方法主要有建立健全的财务控制制度,进行现金收支预算控制,加强应收账款管理和存货管理等。为其他宁波民营企业做好财务控制工作提供一个参考。 关键词:宁波;民营企业;财务控制 Abstract In this paper the internal links from financial management - financial control problems, with the financial control theory as the basis of study, analysis of the current situation and private enterprise of ningbo, existing problems in developing comprehensive management, financial management, and other disciplines, from financial control knowledge of the content on begin, combined with case analysis, research how to standardize ningbo private enterprise's financial activities, the paper presents how to promote the healthy development of private enterprise stability of ningbo the way. Mainly uses the empirical research, using the method of ningbo 27 listed companies as research samples from the public disclosure of information in the cninfo , online access sample companies 2007,2008,2009 three years of financial data, analyze its important financial indicators. To ningbo YAK technology industrial Co., LTD as an example, analyzes its basic financial data, through the data to find the cause of the problem, and then the methods to solve the problems mainly are establishing sound financial control system, make cash budget control, enhancing receivables management and inventory management, etc. For other private enterprise to make good financial con


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