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毕业论文 (20_ _届) 小城镇旅游经营开发中存在的问题与对策研究 摘 要 随着中国旅游业的逐渐发展,越来越多的地方看到了旅游带来的效益,因此有越来越多的地方被开发起来,成为旅游目的地。象山县石浦镇是一个海边城市,海资源非常的丰富,有很多个沙滩,没开发的,开发的,一共有十几个。它同时还是一个古镇,充满了渔民的生活气息。可以说,生活在石浦镇的居民,祖先都是渔民,现在还有很多的人以捕鱼为生。虽然拥有那么多的资源,但是小城镇的旅游,在开发的过程中存在着很多的问题,发展的过程中也有很多的问题。在宣传方面做的不够,后期的维护也做的不够好,在游客的接待中等等方面,都有很多的问题。 本文通过对象山县石浦镇旅游目的地的开发进行分析,从自身的旅游资源的现状,开发过程中出现的问题,开发后随之而来的问题,这几个方面进行分析。从而使石浦镇的旅游开发的问题一一展现出来,并给出相应的对策,促使石浦镇的旅游业快速、稳定的发展,早日成为中国有名的旅游目的地。 通过问卷方式的调查,从当地居民和游客这两方面进行调查,得出的结论就是都希望小城镇旅游能够更好的发展,但是这当中存在着很都的问题,不论是对于当地居民的生活的影响,或者是对于环境的破坏和维护,这都需要得出一定的对策来进行解决。从政府的领导方面,从开发方面,从保护方面等等进行探讨,最终得出结论。希望对于以后小城镇的发展能够有所帮助。为当地居民某更多的福利。 关键词:小城镇旅游;保护;旅游开发 Abstract As China gradually developed into the tourism industry, more and more places to see the benefits of tourism, it is more and more places are being developed, as a tourist destination. Stone Town, Xiangshan County, is a seaside city, the sea is very rich in resources, there are lots of beaches, no development, development, and a total of more than a dozen. It is also a town full of fishermen of life. Can be said that the residents living in the Stone Town, the ancestors were fishermen, there are still many people fishing for a living. Though they have so many resources, but the small tourist town in the development process there are many problems, the process of development, there are many problems. Not doing enough in terms of publicity, the latter are not doing enough to maintain good reception of the tourists, etc., there has been a lot of problems. By Stone Town Xiangshan County, to analyze the development of tourist destinations, from the status of their tourism resources, the problems in the development process, development is followed by the question, these were analyzed. Stone Town so that the problems in tourism development to show up, and the corresponding countermeasures, Stone Towns tourism industry to promote rapid and stable development, China would become a famous tourist destination. By a questionnaire survey, from local residents and v


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