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小结 浮针疗法的概念 适应症的开拓 浮针疗法的特点:操作特点? ? ? 疗效特点? 浮针的规格和结构 Summary The Concept of Fuzhen Therapy The Indications of Fuzhen Therapy The characteristic of Fuzhen Therapy operating feature? ? ? treatment feature? The size and structure of Fuzhen 浮针的具体应用 针前准备? ? ? 针刺方法? ? 异常情况的处理和预防 浮针疗法的注意事项 The application of Fuzhen Therapy. preparation ??? methods ? ? dealing with the abnormal cases Points for attention 浮针疗法的原理 中医原理 解剖途径研究 肩关节周围炎 颈椎病? ? 浮针的常用病症: 腕管综合症 腰椎间盘突出症? ? 坐骨神经痛 The theory of Fuzhen Therapy TCM Anatomy Common Indications: scapulohumeral Periarthritis cervical spondylosis carpal tunnel sydrome sciatica protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc What’s more, the time of retaining needle also depends on weather, patients’ reaction and character of disease. For example, patients are easy to sweat out during a hot weather, the hurt of needling will tickled because of allergy. And then the time of retaining needle should be short. On the other hand, we will keep retaining needle for longer time to cure disease of complex or aeipathia and, vice versa. 注意:留针期间勿打湿针刺局部,防止感染;?可适当活动,但局部活动范围不要过大,以免胶布松散,影响软?套管的固定。 Attention: In case of infection, keep the skin above needle dry during the peroid of retaining needling. Moving needle in proper fields, in case that rubberized fabric will loose influence the fixing of teleflex(软套管). 出针时一般先以左手拇、食指按住针孔周围皮肤,右手拇、食两指拿捏浮针针座,不要捻转提插,慢慢将针尖移至皮下,然后将针起出,用消毒干棉球揉按?针孔,防止



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