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托福独立写作常用例子串讲 Examples for IBT WRITING 杜立明 EXAMPLES related to People 外国英雄 适用题目: 了解过去的意义 最想见到的历史人物 英雄的特点 Brave Heart 勇敢的心 William Wallace 为Freedom of Scotland奋斗 Joan of Arc 圣女贞德 English invaders Socrates 苏格拉底 In prison and sentenced to death His disciple helped him to escape from the prison, but he refused for his faith in truth and justice of the law. TIPS 请辨认以下几人之关系 Socrates Plato Aristotle Ptolemy Copernicus 身残志坚的外国人 Stephen Hawking 史蒂芬?霍金 A Brief History of Time 时间简史 Best seller Churchill 丘吉尔 Be troubled with stammer 小时候是结巴,苦练成为著名演说家 适用题目: 永不放弃 有关童年的问题 伟大的企业家和领导人 适用题目:企业家和领导人的特点 Jack Welch 杰克?韦尔奇 General Electric Company 最年轻的CEO Michael Dell 戴尔 Dell Computer A Fortune 500 company 中途辍学,创新,坚持自己的看法personal selling 直销 适用题目:自学创业 Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔 二战时间“诺曼底登陆Commander” 美国 17、18任总统 Principal of Columbia NATO Nixon 尼克松 Watergate conspiracy 水门事件 The Republican Party The break in 电话窃听 悲催的外国名人 适用题目:伟大的人是无法被同时代的人认同的 Vincent van Gogh 梵高 Had little success during his lifetime Sunflower 向日葵 The Red Vineyard 红色的葡萄园 (the only painting he sold during his lifetime) 不被contemporary society认同,但后世给予了极高的肯定。greatest artists are out of step of contemporary society Emily Dickenson I am nobody! John Dewey 美国思想家 Sociologist Pragmatism XXX学家 Edison Phonograph 留声机 Electric bulb 电灯泡 Einstein The general and special theory of relativity 广义和狭义相对论 the photoelectric effect 光电效应 Einstein获Nobel是由于其解释了光电效应,但其相对论的贡献也很大。 爱因斯坦的量子力学挑战了牛顿的理论力学。 Quantum mechanics and relativity established by Einstein have challenged and revealed the boundaries of validity of classical mechanics proposed by Newton. Alfred Nobel Dynamite 他发明的炸药 锲而不舍,而且捐赠了Nobel基金 Leonardo Davinci 达芬奇 Apprentice to Verrocchio (Who was at that time the most gifted and manifold artist in Florence) 大师也要从模仿学习开始,创新也应从模仿中先掌握基础 Madame Curie居里夫人 发现放射性物质,丰富的实践经验和扎实的理论基础,以及不懈的努力。 In the realm of nature, Madame Curie discovered the radioactive substance, which resulted form her nume


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