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摘 要 适足住房权 The right to adequate housing 已在国际人权法和众多国家的宪法和 国内法中得到了明确承认 并且这项权利关系着人类的尊严和基本的生存需要 因而 正确全面地理解适足住房权就显得尤为重要 笔者拟从以下几个方面对适足住房权进 行论述 首先 本文从住房的含义出发 指出住房不能简单地理解为拥有四面墙的一 个空间 从而推出适足住房权的权利内涵也不仅仅指头上有一遮瓦的住处 而是一项 包含多种权能的权利体系 进而在人权的框架下探讨适足住房权的概念内涵 其次 本文通过批判学界对经济与社会权利人权属性的误解 并结合对国际人权公约等国际 法律文本的分析 论证适足住房权的基本人权属性 再次 通过社会权与自由权的对 比 分析适足住房权的宪法权利属性 以及通过住房权与其他相关 相似权利的比较 进一步明晰适足住房权的权利特征 同时 通过探讨实现适足住房权所对应的国家义 务 纠正认为 适足住房权就意味着国家需为全体公民提供房屋 的片面狭隘的理解 弄清国家实现住房权所承担的义务与角色 从而有助于国家积极正确地履行所承担的 义务 最后 本文拟在厘清适足住房权在人权框架下的权利内涵以及相对应的国家义 务 系统全面地形成适足住房权的理论架构的基础上 立足于中国 致力于推动我国 适足住房权在人权框架下的探讨 适足住房权入宪以及法律保障体系的构建 关键词 适足住房权 住房权 人权 宪法权利 国家义务 III ABSTRACT The right to adequate housing has been explicitly recognised in international human rights law and many constitutions and national legislations, and has long been regarded as essential to ensuring the well-being and dignity of all humans. So it is very important to understand this right correctly and fully. This thesis is tend to dissertate this right in following aspects. Firstly, it will begin by explain that the meaning of house can’t not be understand as space with four walls, and this explanation is help to point out that the connotation of housing rights should contain a number of factors, and then this thesis is tend to figure out the meaning of the right to adequate housing in the human rights framework. Secondly, the thesis will try to demonstrate that the right to adequate housing should be treated as human right by analyse the International covenants. Also, I will try to infer the characteristic of the right to adequate housing through contrast economic, social and cultural rights with civil and pol


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