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第四讲 论文写作、修改与投递.ppt
目录 写规范的学术论文 科技论文就是要“八股文”!科技论文不能写成散文! 标题——摘要——引言——正文—— 结论——致谢——文献——附录 唐诗宋词很规范,谁写得好,一目了然!就容易评出谁是高手。你搞一套,我搞一套,交易成本太高!科技论文不是散文,它有固定的格式,是为了便于验证和交流。 How prepare well Introduction? How formulate the model ? How design the experimental settings, including data collection and handling ? How analyze the computational results, including Tables and Figures ? Finally, concluding the paper Appendix References 如何写规范的学术论文 标题:概括全文要旨 要吸引人,抓眼球 不宜过长、过短:合适的长度—— 中文10-15个字;英文12-18个词; 切忌抽象空泛、要一语中的; 切忌罗嗦冗长; 尽量不用缩略语; 不用、少用专业特殊符号 如何写规范的学术论文 摘要:概述方法、结果:100-150个词 不要在这里大段叙述工作的意义; 不要写得太短; 要突出工作进展和贡献; 尽量、不要引用文献; 尽量避免引述公式、方程。 如何写规范的学术论文 引言:继往开来的陈述 工作的缘起和意义、前人的思路和成果、本人的发展(包括方法和主要成果)。篇幅约占全文的1/5 切忌忽略前人的进展; 切忌忽略本人工作的继承性和创造性; 对本论文的研究目的和意义、研究方法和所得结果得创新之处等要逐一说明; 切忌重复摘要中的叙述; 切忌过于简短。 从前言看出作者的涉足深度和学术观点 1. Introduction The growing traffic congestion in large cities worldwide has led to economic inefficiency, social disruption, excessive energy consumption and increased levels of pollution. It is generally recognized that the mitigation of these problems requires efficient provision and utilization of public transportation systems. This has become an important issue of long standing interest to economists and transportation scientists. In the end of 1960s, scholars started to derive the optimal interstation spacings of a rapid transit system which transported the population of an area to one central point, aiming at minimizing the total travel time (Vuchic and Newell, 1968) or maximizing the number of passengers (Vuchic, 1969). …………. ……………………………………………. The latest studies concerning the transit system modeling, analyses and management can be found in a review paper by De Cea and Fernandez (2000) and a book by Vuchic (2005). Only very limited attention has been paid to the problem of commuters’ departure time choice for urban mass transit services. Sumi et al. (1990) presented a stochastic model for optimizing the commuters’ departure time and route choices in a mass transit system. Th