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2008 远东无损检测新技术论坛 FAR EAST NDT 电磁超声的数值模拟方法研究 裴翠祥,陈振茂 (西安交通大学航天航空学院强度与振动教育部重点实验室,西安,710049,中国) 摘 要:电磁超声无损检测技术由于无需媒介及与被测物体非接触,不但可提高检测效率,而且可将超声无损 检测技术的应用扩展到高温、高速和在线检测,其相关课题是当前超声无损检测研究的热点。本文基于电磁超声传 感器工作原理,建立了有限元电磁超声无损检测数值分析方法,开发了相应的计算程序,并验证了其有效性。应用 开发的电磁超声数值模拟程序,研究了不同激励方式对电磁超声波的影响,得到了相应超声波在均匀各向同性金属 介质中的传播过程。该计算方法和程序为实际电磁超声无损检测中缺陷的定量和探头优化提供了手段。 关键词:电磁超声;无损检测;有限元;数值模拟 Studies on the Numerical Simulation Method for Electromagnetic Acoustic Technique Cuixiang Pei,Zhenmao Chen (MOE Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration ,School of Aerospace, Xian Jiaotong University ,Xian ,710049,China ) Abstract: As no physical contact is necessary between the transducer and test-piece,the electromagnetic acoustic technique (EMAT ) can not only improve the inspection efficiency but also can extend the application area of ultrasonic NDT to the fields of a high temperature,a high speed and on-line inspection. Recently,EMAT has become a hot topic in the researches on ultrasonic NDT. In this paper ,a finite element method for the numerical simulation of electromagnetic ultrasonic testing signals is established and the corresponding numerical code is developed. In order to prove the validity of the code ,propagation behaviors of ultrasonic waves excited by transducers of different structure are investigated by using the developed code. The simulation method and code provide a useful tool for the defect sizing and transducer optimization in practical application of EMAT. Key words: Electromagnetic Acoustic Testing; NDT; Finite Element Method; Numerical Simulation 1 引言 电磁超声检测(EMAT )与传统的压电超声检测同属于超声波检测范畴。由于EMAT 的非接触性等特点, 与传统超声相比 EMAT 具有不需要


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