Unit 4《helping people around the world》Task课件2(48张PPT)(译林版选修6).ppt

Unit 4《helping people around the world》Task课件2(48张PPT)(译林版选修6).ppt

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Unit 4《helping people around the world》Task课件2(48张PPT)(译林版选修6).ppt

Consolidation(巩固): The hill tribe children live a p____ life. Their living conditions is a little p_____. And they don’t have enough f______ for cooking. We r________ them to use a_________fuel. In order to f____ water, we suggest digging w____ and p______ water to the village. One person should be trained to r_____ the pumps. oor rimitive irewood ecommend lternative etch ells umping epair Education is affected by h______. Farming is the villagers’ main o_______. So children have to help f_____ the land. They also suffer from m________. Health care is l______ for lack of doctors and nurses. No one has m_____ to afford the expense. ardship ccupation arm alnutrition imited eans How can we help these children ? Discussion: You , I , they, everyone, governments 1.donate money 2.work as volunteers 3.be teachers 4.be image ambassadors (形象大使) 7.increase investment(投资) in education in poor areas 6.set up some organizations to raise money (Hope Project) International organisations At the World Education Forum in 2000,the member countries of UNESCO made a commitment (做出承诺)to provide “complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality for all children by 2015”. This goal is known as “Education for All ”. . the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization As you can see there are a lot of people around the world in need of help , Conclusion: we should treasure the opportunity of learning to ____________ help others After learning about the problems of the hill tribe children in northern Thailand and having a discussion with your classmates , let’s give suggestions about how to help them. Step 2: Making suggestions Suggestions might include: Sponsoring a child Ways to raise money Sending old clothes/English books, etc. to Thailand Use the language in Skills building 2 to help you. 1. Sentences and sentence structures of different functions. Making suggestions: I think it would be a good idea to … We co



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