Unit 5 Lesson 4《Let’s Dance》课件(39张ppt) (北师大必修2).ppt

Unit 5 Lesson 4《Let’s Dance》课件(39张ppt) (北师大必修2).ppt

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Unit 5 Lesson 4《Let’s Dance》课件(39张ppt) (北师大必修2).ppt

2) e.g. 你跳绳时会用到一条绳子。 When you want to skip you use a skipping rope. (vi./vt.) (no passive)--- leave (a place) secretly or in a hurry悄悄或匆匆地离开(某地) e.g. 这个男孩一声不吭地匆匆溜走。 The boy skipped off without saying anything to anyone. (vt.) ---not attend (a meeting, etc.)不参加会议等。 Mr. Smith skipped the meeting yesterday. in time 1) ---合节拍 (out of time不合节拍) There will be 200 of us singing at the concert, so we shall need a conductor to keep us in time. 2) not late 及时 医生及时赶到挽救了他的生命。 The doctor came in time to save his life. 3) Sooner or later; eventually迟早,早晚 只要你坚持下去,最后一定会成功。 If you keep on. You’ll succeed in time. Popular Dance 8. They are easy to learn and are usually danced in couples. sb./sth. be + adj. +to do (像easy后接不定式,用主动形式表被动意义的形容词还有:difficult, hard, light, heavy, comfortable, pleasant 等.) e.g. The question is difficult to answer. He is easy to get along with. The chair is comfortable to sit in. 10. The Argentine Tango was made internationally popular by Carlos Gardel through his songs and films. through (prep.) 1) indicating the means表方式/法 e.g. 我从报纸广告中知道这个工作。 I heard of the job through a newspaper advertisement. 全靠你的帮助我们才能重聚。 It was through you that we were able to meet again. 2) indicating the cause or reason表示原因或理由 e.g. 由于不小心打破了花瓶。 The vase was broken through carelessness. 3) from one side to the other从一边到另一边,穿过 e.g. 禁止汽车从市中心穿行. Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre. homework 1.use the students’ own words to describe the types of the dancing they learn from the text. 2.do the exercises on the book. * * Unit 5 lesson4 Let’s dance Let’s enjoy! ballet disco breakdance waltz Chinese folk dance 1)Listen to the music extracts and identify the dances in the box. Answer 1. Chinese folk dance 2. classical ballet 3. waltz 4. breakdance 5. disco Scan the text Read the text quickly. Where is it from? And answer the true or false questions. A



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