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毕业设计(论文) 题 目:小型谷物清选机设计 学 院:农业工程与食品科学学院 专 业: 机械设计 姓 名: XXx 学 号: XXX 指导教师: XXX 毕业设计(论文)时间:二О一О 年 三 月一日 ~ 六月 十八 日 共 十七 周 摘 要 谷物清选机械目前国内己经基本上能够自给自足,但是由于市场上大部分都是种子加工成套设备,由于其价格高,能耗大,还不能完全适应小型种子生产和经营部门的要求。因此,开发符合我国国情的谷物清选机械,对提高我国种子产品质量、农业经济效益和农业生产现代化水平具有重要意义。论文立足国情,基于我国不同类型种子生产和经营部门的经济和技术水平,研制开发一种实用性强、市场前景好的小型谷物清选机械。 本文在介绍国内外种子加工机械的发展现状与动态的基础上,分析了研制价格低、操作简单、使用方便的小型谷物清选机的意义和市场需求,制定了系统总体设计方案,对系统的机架、筛体、振动机构、风机进行了重点研究设计。 该小型谷物清选机采用单相220伏交流电源供电,使用非常方便,而且节约能源,动力只需1.5kw。机架设计为车驾式,整机可框在地排车下盘上,移动方便。进料装置采用了结构简单的顶置式人力提升装置,采用插板活门控制流量,其结构简单,操作方便,喂料均匀。筛体的上筛采用圆孔平面筛、下筛采用编织筛,提高了生产率,而且对粗混杂物及小谷粒有较高的分离率。传动机构采用三角带传动,传动平稳,结构尺寸小。振动机构采用曲柄连杆机构,平稳可靠有效。清选风机采用低压后向直叶片离心式风机。在整机设计过程中充分考虑到性价比,选用价格低、性能稳定的零部件。 关键词:清选机,单相电源,平面筛,曲柄连杆传动机构,风筛式 Abstract At present, the grain cleaner can be basically already self-sufi}cient athome. But the most part is the complete sets seed-processing equipment, and its high price, heavy weight and high energy consumption cant meet the demand of the small-size seed producing and running department. Therefore,developing the grain cleaner which accords with of our national conditions has great significance to improve seed quality, agricultural economic benefits and agricultural modernization. According to the economy of the department and engineering level of the different kinds of seeds of our country, the thesis bases on the national conditions and we have exploited the small-size gain cleaner which has strong practicability and good market prospects. Based on introducing the states-of-art of the seed processing equipment at home and abroad, the significance and market demand of the small-size grain cleaner which is easy to operate, convenient to use and has the low price are analysed. Having made the overall design plan of the system, the framework, vibrosieve, vibrating mechanism and the centrifugal fan of the system are mainly researched and designed. This small-size gain cleaner is adopted single-phase 220 volts to s


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