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摘 要 汽车座椅是汽车车身的重要部件,一般由座垫及其骨架、靠背及其骨架、头枕及其骨架,以及相应的导向、调节机构等基本部分组成。汽车座椅系统是用来在车内给驾乘者支撑,并在保证方便进出和驾驶操作的前提下提供驾乘者有效的约束。汽车座椅系统应该提供驾乘者预期的可调节性和长途驾驶的舒适感。在车门关闭状态、在座椅整个调节行程内,座椅系统的操作应该适于所有体形驾乘者进行直观的调控操作。同时汽车座椅也是保障车辆安全性能的一部分。汽车座椅设计的合理性及其质量直接影响到乘员的安全性和舒适性。 本设计主要结合人机工程学以及有关座椅的国家标准进行小型客车座椅的结构设计和分析。根据人机工程学确定各部分尺寸,完成调节机构的结构,依据国家相关标准进行合理分析设计,并进行了静力分析。 本设计中的调节机构主要包括前后调节机构、高度调节机构以及角度调节机构进行设计,设计了其结构及工作原理。 本设计为小型客车座椅生产与实验提供了参考,对实际生产有一定的指导意义。 关键词:座椅、人机工程学、结构、静力分析 Abstract Car seat is an important auto body parts, generally by the seat and its skeleton, and skeleton back, head and skeleton, and the corresponding orientation, regulators and other basic parts. Car seat system is used to driving in the car who support and facilitate the access and drive to ensure the operation of driving under the premise of providing effective control.Car seat driving system should expect to provide adjustable and long-distance driving comfort. In the door closed, adjust the seat the entire trip, the seats should be suitable for operation of the system to carry out all the body driving control operation intuitive. At the same time protect the car seat is also part of vehicle safety performance. Car seat design and the quality of the reasonableness of a direct impact on passenger safety and comfort. The combination of ergonomic design, as well as the main seat of the national standards for small passenger seat of the structural design and analysis. According to various parts of ergonomics to determine the size of the completion of the structure adjustment, according to relevant national standards for the design of rational analysis and a static analysis. The design of the regulating agencies, including before and after adjusting the main body, a high degree of regulation of agencies and institutions regulating the design point of view, the design of its structure and working principle. The seat is designed to mini-van production and provides a reference experiment, the actual production of a certain degree of


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