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starter unit5综合案1.doc

Starter Unit 5 Visit my school 导学、巩固案 班级 第 小组 姓名 学生完成所需时间 学科 英语 课题 Welcome to the unit Listening Speaking 课时 第 一 课时 教师 编制人 时间 总计 二 审核人 备课组 教学目标 1. To learn the new words. 2. To learn the plural forms of the nouns 3. To learn the General and Special Questions of “There be”. “Is/Are there…” “How many… are there…” 教学重难点 1. Aims 1 , 2,3. 2.To talk about our school. 导学练习 一.把下列句子改成一般疑问句的形式。 1.This is Peter’s school. _________________________________ 2.There is a computer room in my school. _________________________________ 3.There is a football field in the picture. _________________________________ 4.There are twenty classrooms in my school. _________________________________ 二、用“ there be ”正确形式填空。 1. _____ __ ____ ___ some water in the glass. 2. ____ _ ___ ____ any trees in the picture ? 3. 梍______ _______ any coffee in the cup ? ?Yes, _______ _______. 4. _______ _______ some students on the playground. 5. _______ _______ an orange and two bananas in the basket . 6. On the tree , _______ _______ many big pears . 三.根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Who are these ________ (woman)? They are our teachers. 2.Please colour(上色) _______ (they) brown and yellow. 3.They are twin _________ (sister). 4.His favourite ________ (animals) is cat. 5.Let‘s open it and _______ (see). 6.There are seven _______ (box) on the desk.. 7.---What are ______ (this)?  ---They are pears How many ______(chair) are there in your house? 9. The car over there isn’t ________ (me)car.      .His teacher ________ (be) Miss Gao. 本单元学习 要点直击 Is this your school, Peter? 彼特,这是你的学校吗? 这是This is…句型的一般疑问句:Is this+名词单数?意思是:这是……吗?在回答这类问句时,用代词he/she/it,而不用this或that。 -----How many classrooms are there in your school? 你学校有多少教室? -----There are twenty. 有二十个。 3. 冠词的用法 a和an都是,用在名词的前面表示人、事物的类别,它们都可以表示“一”,两者的不同点是:a用在以辅音音素开头的单词、符号、字母及数字等的前面;an用在以元音音素开头的单词、符号、字母及数字等的前面。例如:a pear一个梨/an apple 一个苹果。 There is an “f” and a “u” in the word “full”. 单词“full”中有一个字母f和一个


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