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* 单项选择与作文 1考意思,考形式? How to do the multiple choice ? 3 学会变形 2 学会排2 除1 1.As we have planned, we’ll go to my hometown to attend my sister wedding party. We’ll visit our mother school _____ we got there. A. that B. which C. when D. if 照我们的计划那样……. 2.Wu Zhen , _____ in the Northwest of my hometown draws a number of tourists home and abroad every year. A. located B. to be located C. locating D. to locate (be) located in 位于,坐落在…… 3. The blue flower-printed cloth and a water-town with a history of a thousand years make ______ it is . What B. which C. how D. where √ .After wedding , a warm thought suddenly came to me _____ I might pay a visit to my mother school . A. that B. which C. when D. if a …thought/idea came to me 我有一个想法,我有一个主意…… 5 I got educated at the local high school twenty years ago , _____ I went to Beijing university. A. that B. after which C. when D. if 6. ____ has impressed me most is ___ the school has entirely took on a new look and was different from ___ it used to be . A .Which , that , what B. What, that , what C. Which, what ,which D. What ,which, that 7. ____ a growing number of students admitted to key university ,our mother school has enjoyed a high reputation in the society. A.With B. As C.For D. Because 声望, 名声 8. With trees ______ our school, it looks like a beautiful garden. surrounded. surrounding C. to surround D. To be surround 9 A new E-library was set up ,providing students with quick ____ to the digital resources they needed. A. access B. passage C. way D. approach 10.It ____ Sunday ,there were no students having classes at school. A. was B. were C. To be D. being Because it was,原因状语从句 11.Yet it was really a big surprise that I ___


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