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1、 钻机已经安装完毕。 The rigging up is finished. 2、 现在开始检查和调试钻机。 Let’s start to check and test the rig. 3、 所有操作都应该按正规程序进行。 All the operation should be done per normal procedures. 4、 不戴安全帽不许上钻台工作。 It is not allowed to work on the rig floor without helmet on. 5、 上井架工作必须系好安全带。 The safety belt should be fastened when working on the derrick. 6、 上班前不许喝酒。 Wine drinking is not allowed before going to work. 7、 大约下午 1 点可以开钻。 Spud in will begin at one o’clock in the afternoon. 8、 一开采用转速 160 ,钻压2000 磅 For the first spud in,penetration rate is160 and weight on the bit is two thousand pounds. 9、 开双泵,泵冲 100 ,泵压6 兆帕 Use both pumps with 100strokes per minute and pressure of 6 Mpa. 10、 打完单根划眼一次,直到打完一开。 Do a dummy trip after single joint drilling until the first spud in finished. 11、 循环一个半小时再起钻。 Circulate for one and half hours before pulling out. 12、 如有特殊情况,马上报告。 Report at once if any unusual case occurred. 13、 下钻要控制下放速度。 Control the running speed when going in the hole. 14、 当心顿钻伤人。 Be careful not to make free fall and hurt anyone. 15、 如遇阻,不许硬压。 Don’t force to run in with too more 16、 观察振动筛有无跑泥浆现象。 See if any mud overflow on the screen. 17、 现在需要马上更换筛布。 We need to change the screen at once. 18、 认真做好记录 Record it carefully. 19、 不许做假资料 Don’t make false record. 20、 每钻进 100 米测斜一次 Do a deviation survey every 100 metre interval. 21、 勤活动钻具 Move the drill string frequently. 22、 将测斜结果及时汇报监督 The result of deviation survey has to be informed to supervisor in time . 23、 扭矩不要过大。 Don’t apply excessive torque 24、 不许强提。 No forced pulling out is allowed. 25、 已经提放多次,未见效果。 The string has been moved up and down several times, but it doesn’t work . 26、 接方钻杆,倒划眼 Connect kelly and do a backreaming. 27、 在钻杆上做卡点记号。 Make a mark for sticking point on the drill pipe. 28、 当心扭断钻具。 Be careful not to twist off the drill string. 29、 未得到监督的许可,不许乱来 Don’t act at your disposal without supervisor’s consent.


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