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电动汽车 驱、 控部分优化整合 (双模电机)及 动汽车普及发展模式探索 孟庆良 ,李翔 ,崔健,卢珍 内蒙古乌兰察布电业局,集宁 012000 Research on the optimization and integration about the electric drive motor and the electric control system of the electric vehicle (Dual-mode motor) and the popularizing development model about the electric vehicle Meng Qing Liang ,Li Xiang ,Cui Jian ,Lu Zhen Inner Mongolia Ulan chap Electric Power Bureau Ji Ning 012000 Abstract: This paper introduced a drive motor system in the electric vehicle drive system. To develop this which is suitable for the energy saving operating mode system, the dilemma about the popularization of the of the electric vehicle. The drive motor system is based electric vehicle can be possibly solved.。 on the series motor, in this system the series motor can Key words: DC series motor ;Dual-mode motor ; generate an AC with the constant voltage while it Electromagnetic induction ;Fan-shaped vector ; operating in a DC mode. This generator function can Pendulum theory combine with the original motor function of the series motor well. During the DC power supplying, the 摘要:介绍一种适合于电动汽车节能运行模式的驱 motor system is able to operate as a DC motor while it 动电机体系。该电机体系以串励机为蓝本,实现了 can also be an AC generator steadily. Most function 串励机在直流运行模式下的交流恒压发电功能,该 requirements of the vehicle drive motor can be 发电功能与原串励机的电动机功能相配合出彩,在 fulfilled by this model, as it can effectively reduce the 直流供电条件下,该电机体系能够同时运行于直流 proportion of the high-end electron component which 电动机和交流发电机的双稳定工作模式状态,该模 is used in the powered control function. It makes the 式可直接满足当今车用驱动电机所提出的多项功能 DC power using effectively and the mechanical energy 要求


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