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第 54 卷 第 4 期  20 10年 2 月    基于合作博弈的科技文献机构资源共享分析 屈宝强  彭  洁  赵  伟 中国科学技术信息研究所  北京 100038 摘〔要 〕科技文献资源共享是以科技文献资源为对象而形成的特殊供求关系及其运作机制 ,追求 自身效益最大化 是产生共享合作的动机 。科技文献共享中各个科技文献机构之间的收益息息相关 , 公平地进行收益分配属于一 个合作博弈问题 。以两个科技文献机构资源共享为例 ,构建合作博弈模型 ,在博弈分析的基础上指出共享失败的 原因主要包括 :共享收益不明显且分配不均 、诚信问题 、参与机构的有限理性等 ,提出可通过降低信息共享的成 本 、引入监督措施 、建立沟通机制等促进和维持共享 。 关〔键词 〕科技文献机构  资源共享  博弈分析 分〔类号 〕G350 Ana ly sis of Sc ience Technology L itera ture In stitution ’Resources Shar ing Ba sed on C oopera tion Gam e Theory Qu B aoqiang Peng J ie Zhao W ei In stitute of Scien tific Techn ical Inform ation of Ch ina, B eij ing 100038 〔A b stract 〕Sharing of science technology literature re sou rces is the sp ecial supp lydem and relation s and its op eration m echan ism tak ing the ST literature resou rces as an object, wh ich is p ursu ing the in stitution ’s benefit. Every in stitution ’s benefit is tied to be a un ity. During the p rocess of resou rces sharing, how to allot the benefit shou ld be a coop eration gam e p rob lem. To take two in stitution of ST literature a s examp le s, the p ap er analyse s the coop eration gam e between them , points ou t that the reason s of the share failure m ain ly includes: The sharing ou tp uts is not obviou s and the allotm ent is unfair; m utually tru stworth ine ss p rob lem ; the lim ited rea sona b leness of the p articip ated organ ization etc. , at la st, it p uts forward the m easure wh ich p romote s and m ain tain s the share such a s lower ing the inform ation share co sts, leading in to the p un ishm ent and bu ilding up the comm un ication m echan ism etc. 〔Keywords 〕in stitu tion of


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